Framework of Actions on Gender Equality in the Audiovisual Sector

Gender Equality is a fundamental right and key principle of the European Union; and one which improves employment opportunities within the sector and helps us to deliver content of quality and diversity.
In October 2011, UNI MEI and other social partners from the EU Audiovisual Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee adopted a Framework of Actions on Gender Equality to promote gender equality in the audiovisual sector throughout the EU. Showing a real commitment for progress in this field from both the unions (FIA, FIM, IFJ and UNI-MEI) and the employers (ACT, AER, CEPI, EBU and FIAPF), this Framework of Actions (FoA) can now be used by European national social partners to advocate for gender equality in the audiovisual sector.
An executive summary (available in English for download hereunder) has been written to introduce the FoA and show how it can help social partner organisations in the audiovisual sector across the EU to develop their practices with a view to enhancing gender equality. Accordingly, the social partners have agreed to circulate this Framework of Action among their member organisations and created a leaflet in order to help promoting gender equality in the EU audiovisual sector.
The leaflet is available for download in English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish, Dutch, Italian and Swedish, in both Screen and Print versions.