CALL FOR TENDER: WEC-Europe/UNI-Europa are launching their new joint research project “Social Innovation in the temporary agency work industry“

In 2019/2020 and as part of their EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Work Programme 2019/2020, the World Employment Confederation-Europe and UNI-Europa, the EU sectoral social partners for temporary agency work, will conduct a joint project on “Social Innovation in the temporary agency work industry” with the financial support of the European Commission/DG Employment.
For this project, the social partners are today launching a call for tender to contract an external research partner to support the implementation of the project.
Social Innovation is understood as implementing new solutions for working, learning and social protection for the benefits of workers, employers and the society in general.
The joint project aims to develop a compendium of social innovation case studies focusing on three main areas:
• Social Innovation in access to training
• Social Innovation in ensuring appropriate working conditions and access to social protection
• The role of social dialogue and collective labour agreements in fostering social innovation in the temporary agency work sector
The compendium of social innovation practices shall illustrate the diversity of national practices, the main drivers for creating new solutions for working, learning and social protection and the main enabling functions to put these in place.
The project will thus build on an interactive and discussion led approach, including three thematic workshops, four steering committees, a stakeholder workshop and a pan-European Conference.
The main role of the external research partner is to guide the EU Sectoral Social Partner through the research process, to help identify and develop the appropriate social innovation case studies, to facilitate the steering committee meetings and the workshops and to compile the compendium of Social Innovation case studies to be presented at the end of the project during a pan-European Conference.
The project will be implemented over a period of 18 months starting in February 2019 with the launch of this call for tender. Throughout the project, the selected external consultant/research partner will work closely with the World Employment Confederation-Europe and UNI-Europa to facilitate the implementation of the project.
The call for tender is published both on the World Employment Confederation-Europe and UNI-Europa websites. All submissions should be sent by registered mail or by hand, addressed to the attention of:
Mr. Denis Pennel
Managing Director
World Employment Confederation-Europe
Tour & Taxis Building, The Royal Depot
Avenue du Port 86c - Box 302
B- 1000 Brussels
Deadline for submitting the tender reply is 1st of March 2019. Tenders received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Along and as part of the research, several main events will be part of the project, namely three thematic workshops, a stakeholder workshop and a pan-European Conference. The pan-European Conference will be the final event gathering around 80 participants, where the World Employment Confederation-Europe and UNI-Europa will launch the main findings of the project and their joint recommendations.
Links to background documents
• Updated work programme 2019/2020
• The detailed tender specifications can be downloaded here.