Work-Life Management: a European survey by First-Cisl
The activities of the project "Work-Life Management and CSR in the finance sector", promoted by First-Cisl and financed by the European Commission under the budget line dedicated to training, are moving forward.
The main objective is to build a network of trade unionists prepared on Work-Life Balance matters and skilled for negotiations using innovative methods. The project involves a qualified partnership: Uni Europa and its department Uni Europa Professionals and Managers, Eurocadres, CISL Confederation, Cfdt-Cadres (Fra), Utc-Ugt (Spa), Otoe (Gre), Unite the Union (UK), PRO (Fin), Sindacatul UPA (Rom), Itueb (Bul), Basisen (Tur) and Federmanagement (Ita).
The central theme is the management of Work-Life Balance, split into two interrelated areas of study: the rebalancing of responsibilities in the family, also to encourage the participation of women at work, and the rebalancing of life and working time to protect workers’ health and safety, that means the management of stress at work from a psycho-social point of view.
A further focus is on the specificity of Professionals and Managers and the impact of the new technologies.
The transnational training course ‘The Knowledge’ held in Vico Equense (Napoli), the first one planned within the project, launched an on line public survey (six multiple choice questions available in all the languages of the participating countries), with the intent to gather the experiences of workers across Europe on managing Work-Life Balance and using electronic devices. The answers will provide information by country, age, gender, professional roles and family situation.
The results of the survey will be analyzed and presented during the training course "The Change", which will take place in spring.
The link for the English questionnaire is available here.
For information: Luciano Malvolti, First-Cisl International Office, lucianomal@libero.it