Pakistan Bank Insurance Finance Employees’ Federation (PBIFEF) re-launched, uniting ten banking and insurance trade unions. Christopher Ng UNI Apro Regional Secretary was the guest of honour who declared opened the inaugural conference on 27th February 2016, at Grand Ambassador Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan.
In his key note address to the conference Christopher Ng, congratulated the leaders of the component ten unions for coming together to form the new federation. Strengthening trade unions through organizing, capacity developments to campaign to recruit members into trade unions are the primary objective of the UNI Global union’s breaking through strategy. In his four decades of experiences in associating with trade unions in South Asia, Christopher reminded that the disunity, and in fighting amongst the trade union leaders remained as the key obstacle, in strengthening the bargaining power of trade unions. Management hostilities and unfriendly labour laws could have been challenged, and defeated; if the trade unions remained united. In this background the PBIFEF has taken a strategic decision to form a single federation for finance industry in Pakistan is prudent strategy to face the challenges collectively, said Christopher in his key note speech.
He also commended PBIFEF initiative to set up a scholarship scheme, to pay tribute to founder General Secretary of the federation, Late Bro Sheik Ifthikar. Towering trade union leader in Pakistan, who pioneered to bring international trade union movement from Europe to Asia. Christopher acknowledged that Late Bro. Ifthikar deserves all the respect and gratitude from the trade union movement for his untiring, self-less services rendered as guru and mentor for budding union leaders. He assured that UNI Apro will support the scholarship fund financially.
UNI Apro Regional Secretary presented a plaque to the family members of Late Bro. Ifthikar appreciating his services to the trade union movement.
Jayasri Priyalal, Regional Director for UNI Apro Finance Sector activities, awakened the conference reminding the importance to build strong trade unions in finance industry. He analysed that finance industry as the operating system in the real economy, linking the producers and consumers in commerce. Priyalal; forewarned the current financial operating systems are under serious virus attack resulting from Greed and Corruption of powerful individuals. Hence he insisted that trade unions in the finance industry need to develop an effective anti-virus guard to protect all stake holders in the industry urgently. No other institution except, united forward thinking trade unions can protect all stake holders in the economy and make finance industry to work for real economy enabling economic justice in society. In his fraternal greetings he congratulated the PBIFEF taking the wright move timely at the current turbulent finance industry, assuring UNI Apro Finance support and cooperation to PBIFEF.
Mr. Javaid Iqbal Gill, Central Labour Advisor-Govt. of Pakistan spoke at the inauguration and emphasized the need for trade unions to strengthen and work on democratic principles, and appreciated the work of UNI Global union in strengthening the finance industry trade unions in Pakistan.
Malik Ismail, President of ZTBL (Agricultural Bank) was elected as the Chairman, Chaudhry Farook, General Secretary of Bank of Punjab Employees’ Union and Sajid Ali Abbasi of State Life Employee’s Union were elected as the President and General Secretary respectively of PBIFEF together with a team of officials representing various banks and insurance companies in Pakistan at the inaugural conference.