Better Regulation – it really isn’t

UNI Europa, the European services workers union, launched a campaign today under the slogan “Better Regulation – It Really Isn’t.” The campaign is supported by the entire European trade union movement: ETUC, EFFAT, IndustriALL Europe, EPSU, ETF Europe, CSEE-ETUCE, EFBWW and the IFJ.
The campaign showcases how the European Commission is stalling important social legislation – the first example being the mockery of the agreement on the health and safety of hairdressers. Posters have been placed in public transport stops around Brussels, in particular around the Berlaymont, and a campaign website has been launched.
Through the Better Regulation Agenda, the Commission paints a picture of European regulation as a burden, spinning the story in a way that justifies stalling and undermining of important social legislation relating to worker’s rights and standards. The agenda actually makes EU decision-making less democratic, adds red tape, works in favour of big business – and against people.
For four years, the Commission has stalled the adoption of a social dialogue agreement concerning the health and safety of hundreds of thousands of hairdressers. During the negotations the Commission has on several occasions openly mocked the agreement. “The EU must not be big on small things” they say – going so far as mocking the agreement in a recent publication, which was removed in some places after our letter to the Commission.
“UNI Europa and its allies will not stand idly by any more while the health and safety of thousands of, mostly young and female, workers is being held hostage. The health and safety of hairdressers is not a “small thing”– they are at very high risk of developing skin ailments, musculoskeletal diseases and occupational asthma,” stated Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa.
These problems, combined with absences and untimely exit from the sector also cost Europeans millions of Euros due to increased demand for social security, healthcare services and ultimately a total retraining of hairdressers into other occupations.