Metro Group must respect workers' rights worldwide

Representatives of Metro employees from around the world have expressed serious concern that the Metro Group puts profits and shareholder dividends before the well-being of its workers.
Trade unionists and Metro employees gathered at the UNI Metro Global Union Alliance meeting in Berlin 3-4 November 2015 where they exchanged information about the situation in their respective countries. "Many countries reported a steady deterioration of the effective social dialogue established in recent years between the Metro Group managers and the unions," said Alke Boessiger, Head of UNI Commerce
UNI Global Union and Metro signed a joint agreement in 2013 that commits the company to respecting workers' and union rights throughout the world, and both sides agreed that they would do all they could to resolve disputes at the negotiating table.
By working together in Pakistan, for example, Metro and UNI brought an end to anti-union activities and re-established social dialogue that paved the way for free collective bargaining.
Global dialogue is on-going and constructive, as shown by the Group's participation in the Union Alliance meeting. "However actions must quickly follow words", said Ms Boessiger.
For example in Sweden Media Markt – which belongs to the Metro Group – is forcing its employees to reduce their hours from full time to part time, in order to gain flexibility. The company is refusing to conduct a constructive dialogue with the trade union in a manner acceptable to the employees.
In Croatia the management is purposely dragging its feet on negotiations to resolve current problems. In Italy the Group closed a cash & carry company in contravention of the consultation process, at a time when it was in negotiations with the trade unions about a company collective agreement.
In Germany the company has been hitting the headlines for months for paying below the negotiated rate. Employees and ver.di (Germany's service industry union) are jointly resisting the departure of Real from the national collective agreement for the retail sector. Structural changes at Metro Cash & Carry will lead to future job losses. Seven hundred jobs are at risk, restructuring in logistics threatens to harm employees.
At their meeting Metro employees and trade unionists asked if Metro wanted to rehabilitate the company at the expense of its employees. The joint Agreement with Metro is at risk because the Group's actions in Germany and the worsening labour relations in other countries are diametrically opposed to the principles it embraces.
UNI Global Union and members of the UNI Metro Global Alliance call on the Metro Group to consider the principles of constructive dialogue and to ensure respect for workers' and trade union rights in all circumstances.
For further information: Alke Boessiger, 0041-79-322 04 02