UNI Finance Conference strives for Sustainable World

The UNI Finance Conference, which took place from 22 to 23 October in Antalya, brought together hundreds of leaders from finance trade unions worldwide and defined the creation of a responsible finance industry as its top priority.
The Conference developed all discussions based on a model designed to build a sustainable world, starting with responsible finance. In order to reach this ambitious goal, it is important to have new and effective regulatory frameworks that can change the rules of the game. Additionally, finance unions have to face up to the consequences of crisis, by increasing organizing and developing specific work at multinational level. Efforts must be made by the finance community in order to counter inequality and improve living wages.
The conference sought to underline the importance of diversity in the financial world. Corporate Social Responsibility agreements need to incorporate policies that bring benefits to workers and society, and examples of sustainable and responsible banking around the world were presented to finance leaders.
Keith Meldrich, the CEO of Amalgamated Bank, showed that is possible to have a competitive unionised bank in the United States, complete with collective bargaining rights and freedom of association.
The manager of Rokin Bank, a Japanese labour bank described the possibilities of building sustainability at the community level, with a focus on communities and civli society demands.
Finally, Isbank Chairman explained the operational challenges and benefits of a bank that is owned by workers and prioritised the development of sustainable culture.
A special session on Freedom from Fear allowed delegates from Colombia, Palestine, Turkey, Nepal, UK and especially Tunisia to discuss how they have addressed the threats that are affecting workers, society and democracy. UGTT recognised the roles of UNI in supporting their struggle for democracy and proudly shared the recognition for their Nobel Prize with UNI.
Finally, the new World President Rita Berlofa, the first female UNI Finance President, reaffirmed her commitment to integrate all regions in UNI Finance´s work, to increase female participation in trade unions and to continue the fight for Equal Opportunities in Finance.