TU National Day of Action against Sport Direct abuse of zero hours contracts as AGM meets

Today, the 9 September 2015, while Sport direct holds its Shareholders Annual General Assembly, UNI Europa affiliate Unite the Union gathers in front of the company’s headquarters in Shirebrook, Derbyshire to demand an end to Victorian’ work practices at the retailer’s Shirebrook warehouse and that the company pays a real living wage of £7.85 per hour.
The protest organised by Britain’s largest union is part of a national day of action outside over 40 Sports Direct stores across the UK. It comes amid a shareholder revolt over the company’s governance and employment practices resulting in calls for the Sports Direct chairman Keith Hellawell to stand down at the AGM.
Unite has launched an online petition calling for an end to ‘Draconian’ working practices and an end to Sports Direct’s reliance on zero hours contracts. The petition can be viewed here.
Commenting Unite regional officer Luke Primarolo said: “Low paid agency workers on zero hours contracts are being subjected to working conditions that are more akin to a Dickensian workhouse than a FTSE 100 company’s warehouse.
In the meantime, UNI Europa trade union affiliates representing Sport Direct workers in Belgium and Austria flew to the UK to join the action. They also started talks with the British trade union to start a trade union coordination network in order to share their experiences and bring solidarity across borders.
UNI Europa Commerce stands in solidarity with Sport Direct employees and fully supports the action of its British affiliates. It also deplores Sport Direct for being another employer in the UK increasing the rise of precarious jobs. UNI Europa welcomes the initiative to build trade union cooperation across different European countries which is a clear sign that the call to end precarious contracts unite trade unions in a common fight across Europe.
Unite has in the past already condemned the company for abusing zero hours contracts, where people do not enjoy any job security and stability of income nor guarantee of hours worked. Two third of company’s employees are on a zero hours contract and the union has already urged the company to move staff to permanent contracts. The company has been in the media spot as well for their Six strikes and you’re out” disciplinary procedure. Employees can for example get these bad points (strikes) against their name for spending too long in the toilet or for going on sick leave
More information can be found at the following link:
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