UniCredit trade union alliance ready for action

The third meeting of the Unicredit Trade Union Alliance was held at Palermo on 23 June 2015 with financial support of the European Commission. The Alliance was formed in Vienna on 21 September 2009. It is coordinated by Uni Europa Finance, with the aim of uniting the workers of all countries where the Unicredit Group operates. The meeting held in Turin on 25 February 2014 had defined a road map for the TUA, the objectives of which were achieved with the signing of a Joint Declaration on Responsible Selling by the Unicredit EWC, with the support of UNI Europa Finance. This confirms the involvement of the Unicredit group in social dialogue at international level.
We thank the Unicredit Group’s Head of Industrial Relations for being present at the meeting and discussing the value and importance of this Joint Declaration on what is a sensitive topic in the credit and finance area.
Confirming the objective of increasing the level of unionization, the meeting was attended by 17 trade unions from 10 different countries. Defining a common strategy requires efforts to create a union network as a tool to strengthen the representation of transnational workers in multinational companies. During the meeting the guidelines of UNI Europa Finance for the Trade Union Alliance were presented, with a focus on the Unicredit Group and the situation of the different countries present. The wide-ranging discussion on the level of social dialogue in different countries strengthens the Unicredit TUA's objective of concluding a Global Framework Agreement between the Company and UNI Europa Finance, along with the UniCredit EWC, to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and to improve the level of industrial relations in all countries where the Group operates.
The Unicredit Trade Union Alliance will continue its close cooperation with the Unicredit European Works Council, in order not only to ensure that the agreements are adopted in the different countries but also to become an active partner in the negotiation of specific agreements that implement the guidelines. The Unicredit Trade Union Alliance will facilitate collaboration through the sharing and publishing of the activities of the trade unions, with the support and with the coordinating role of Uni Europa Finance, that this TUA meeting fundamentally reaffirms. For this purpose the unions present discussed and approved the statutes of the Unicredit TUA, the formal adoption of which will start on 15 July 2015. This text organizes the work and the structures for making the alliance operational in a context of varying collective bargaining situations from one country to the next country.
(Please find this text attached also in IT, PL and DE, as well as the finalised UniCredit trade union alliance statutes in EN)