IBM Executives Morally Bankrupt

Thousands of workers were notified that they will lose their jobs either through a resource action or through off shoring of their work. Many were targeted because of their age. Hundreds faced the demeaning falsification of the employee work evaluation process called Personal Business Commitments and had their rating lowered in order to justify a termination. Still others, having good work records and evaluations were told they were not needed, yet had work in front of them. As if these actions weren’t dehumanizing enough, we have learned that 900 “landed resources” from India will be arriving soon to take over the jobs of terminated workers. And IBM Dubuque workers were notified of their termination as the Kaiser Permanente contract is sent to India.
Meanwhile the CEO of IBM and other executives receive millions in bonuses and pay raises. This, after 11 poor quarterly financial reports, and taking IBM down to a level not seen since the early 1990’s. If anyone deserves to have their PBC’s lowered and then shown the door it is CEO Rommety and other executives.
The Roadmap 2015, an abysmal business model that chased after a goal of $20 earnings per share at any cost, has been proven a failure. Countless employees and customers suffered from this misguided plan and the negative effects are still being felt.
And the IBM Board of Directors? Apparently non-caring or asleep at the wheel.
IBM employees ARE the company and we want to see it succeed. It is time to stop firing the very ones that can fix the company.
The Alliance@IBM and its members and supporters will continue to fight for a voice at IBM, for negotiations over all workplace issues and a collective bargaining agreement for employees.
We demand that IBM halt the job cuts, the use of “landed resources” to replace US employees and to cease off shoring our jobs.
We also demand that all bonuses to executives be cancelled.
IBM employees worldwide are saying enough of IBM’s misguided job destructive actions.
It is time for those sitting on the fence to join us and help make IBM a better company for employees.