Global Day for Decent Work at Walmart on Nov 19

On November 19, UNI Global Union, its union affiliates and supporters are holding a series of demonstrations worldwide to expose Walmart’s bad labor practices from the store through the entire supply chain. Walmart workers globally are calling for a living wage on this “Global Day for Decent Work at Walmart”, the world’s largest retailer.
For those interested in participating in the global day of action, you can plan a protest and register it via Additionally you can download materials such as flyers here.
Walmart workers want to know how it is possible that they struggle to feed their families while Walmart is owned by one of the richest families in the world, the Waltons. The Waltons’ wealth equals that of 43% of Americans combined. The family has become dazzlingly wealthy on the backs of workers around the world, whom they have left in extreme poverty. Workers question the justice of their condition, when it would take a Brazilian Walmart worker a total of 18.6 million years to earn the equivalent of the Walton family’s wealth.
Recently, Walmart workers in the United States decided to take arrest to send a message to the Waltons and Walmart about just how serious we are about raising pay at Walmart. Workers from more than 1,800 Walmart stores in the US signed a petition demanding US$15 per hour and full time work from Walmart. You can view their protest and sign the petition in support of US workers.
Coordinated action will take place on November 19th in several countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, South Africa, and the U.S. The ask is simple: Walmart must pay its 2.2 million global workforce and countless supply chain workers a living wage and treat them with dignity.
Workers and union members within the UNI Global Union Alliance @ Walmart will be taking their legitimate grievances to the street, demanding that the Walton family which controls Walmart finally wakes up and changes the company’s culture.
UNI’s global demands of Walmart are simple:
- Living Wages: Extremely low wages along with inconsistent scheduling makes it difficult for workers in many countries to support our families. Fair pay and more hours would let us pay our bills and have enough associates in the store to take care of customers.
- Employment Security: The imposition of part-time work, casual employment contracts or – as in the case of Walmart’s 1.4 million U.S. workers – no contracts at all, means that we have no employment security. We are asking that full time, permanent work be the rule rather than the exception.
- Respect: Workers who assert their freedom of association in an attempt to resolve issues or improve working conditions frequently face retribution from the company. We are harassed and intimidated by management when we try to voice concerns. We are asking for respect, safety and job security when we speak out.
For images and updates throughout the global action day, please use on Twitter and visit to view a global map of all activities.