UNI Apro Executive Committee adopted Resolution Congratulating DiGi Employees Union, Malaysia
Moving for the adoption of the Resolution at the 18th UNI Apro Executive Committee Meeting held in Singapore 6-7 April 2014, UNI Apro Regional Secretary, Christopher Ng recalled the process to organise the DiGi Employees Union at the signing of an MOU between the UNI MLC and Joho Roren Japan during the 3rd UNI Apro Regional Conference held in Manila July 2011. The MOU was signed by Tomoyasu Kato, then President of UNI Apro and Joho Roren Japan, and UNI MLC President Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, and witnessed by the UNI Apro Regional Secretary, Christopher Ng. The MOU commits UNI MLC and Joho Roren to cooperate in establishing a trade union for DiGi employees and to empower the Union with the capacity to effectively represent the DiGi employees and work in partnership with the DiGi Management.
The following Resolution was unanimously adopted by the UNI Apro Executive Committee at the meeting held in Singapore on 6 - 7 April 2014.
18th UNI Apro Executive Committee Meeting
6 - 7 April 2014, Singapore
UNI Apro Executive Committee Salutes DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Employees’ Union and UNI MLC Malaysia on the amazing win in the secret ballot for the recognition of the DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Employees’ Union, Malaysia
The secret ballot for the recognition of the DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Employees’ Union (DEU) was held on 11 – 13 March of 2014 across the Malay Peninsula. After more than 2 years of organizing perseverance and crucially the week leading up to the voting days, the DiGi employees say their resounding “Yes to Union”. This is manifested by the fact that 429 out of 468 ballots issued to employees or 64.41% of the employees voted for the union.
The secret ballot win is a great triumph for the union after the insistent refusal of the DiGi/Telenor management to accept the formation of the union, despite the Telenor-UNI Global Framework Agreement that was concluded on 18 January 2013. The DiGi management continued their union busting activities and harassment of union members even during the balloting period.
This stunning win is largely due to the inspiring leadership, strategic planning, sincerity and unwavering determination of the organizing team led by UNI MLC President Mohamad Shafie BP Mammal and DEU President, Carina Wong. Their team of UNI MLC organizers and DEU committee members have shown true grit and teamwork throughout this challenging period.
The UNI Apro Executive Committee salutes the DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Employees’ Union and UNI MLC Malaysia and call upon the Telenor/DiGi Management:
- To immediately, stop all its union intimidating activities, its interference in the affairs of the DEU and to conduct itself in the manner as coded in the UNI – Telenor Global Agreement.
- To recognize the DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Employees’ Union and its leadership immediately, even before the official announcement by the Minister of Human Resources, as a true expression of good faith, respect for the will of the DiGi employees and commitment to the freedom of association.
- In the spirit of genuine social dialogue and respect for collective bargaining, the DiGi Management must negotiate in good faith with the DiGi Employees’ Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Union to conclude the first collective agreement in the soonest.
- To facilitate the collection of union fees by approving the “check off” of union fees from all the union members.
18th UNI Apro Executive Committee Meeting
7 April 2014, Singapore
In recognition of their inspiring leadership and persistent effort, the UNI Apro Executive Committee presented a plaque to Carina Wong, President of DiGi Employees Union and Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC Malaysia.
Top to bottom: Carina Wong, President of DiGi Employees Union and Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC Malaysia receiving the award;
Close up of the award given to Carina Wong and Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal;
Tomoyasu Kato, then UNI Apro ICTS president, signing the MOU with Mohamed Shafie;
UNI Apro ICTS President Noda with Carina Wong and Mia Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman Masud, General Secretary of grameenphone Employees Union;
Order from Malaysia Minister of Manpower to DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Limited