European Parliament misses opportunity to oppose the REFIT agenda

The European Parliament, at its plenary meeting on 4 February 2014, discussed the REFIT Communication and adopted the Better Lawmaking Report. On the whole, despite very relevant proposed amendments by the Socialists & Democrats Group, the European Parliament failed to uphold worker’s rights and to promote social dialogue.
Amidst the prevailing austerity and anti-social climate, a strong opposition to the REFIT Agenda would have been most welcome. The European Parliament however, with the totality of its political groups, missed an opportunity to highlight the urgent need to promote social dialogue and respect fundamental worker’s rights in order to revive of economic growth and point towards recovery.
REFIT aims at reducing the administrative burdens of European businesses. The European trade union movement acknowledges the need to adapt the European regulatory and legislative frameworks to obtain better-suited regulations and rules but not to the detriment of worker’s rights.
One adopted amendment refers to the evaluation and impact assessment procedures over new regulations. UNI Europa welcomes this amendment to the original text as it will enable the non-erosion of fundamental worker’s rights, including their right to information & consultation, and the safeguarding of working conditions when evaluating the impact of proposed new legislation / regulation.
The Socialists & Democrats Group expressed its dismay over the REFIT Communication, particularly the limitation and blocking of occupational health and safety legislation, the limited scope for transnational agreements, and the announced revision of the information and consultation procedures of employees.
UNI Europa and the European trade union movement reiterate the fundamental role European social dialogue can play in effectively adapting to industrial change, better anticipating restructuring, and contributing to increasing productivity through better management of occupational health and safety.
Oliver Roethig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary said: “European social dialogue is essential in order to revive growth. Recovery can only be achieved with an effective respect for social dialogue and certainly not against worker’s rights.”