Brazil: The lack of Dialogue in Prosegur
Brazilian union representing cash in transit workers in the State of Espírito Santo, SINDFORTES, is one more witness of Prosegur practices on the opposite way of the dialogue.
Problems faced by SINDFORTES are unfortunately not only present locally, they are also found, as has already been seen and reported in Paraguay and Colombia. Brazil is embarrassed to be part of the list of countries where workers' complain against Prosegur.
In 2013, a 66-day strike that took place between April 29 and July 3, with massive support of about 200 workers of Prosegur in Espírito Santo, did not reach a bargained solution. The company had the chance to show sensitivity when faced by its unionised workers, but instead took the strike to court. At first instance the court ruled in favour of the mobilization, however, the company is currently questioning not only the decision of the workers, but also the ruling of July 2013. The number of union supporters continues increasing. UNI Global Union was in Espirito Santo at the beginning of October to witness what is happening and definitely joins the SINDFORTES team.
For UNI, this strike involves much more than only the 12% salary increase requested. It is a strike concerning morale, and the workers’ testimonies are a demonstration of this. It shows that the oppression of capital over one worker can be beaten by the organisation and the desire for justice. Demands that result in strikes and court proceeding are the clearest evidence of the lack of entrepreneurial competence in communicating, something as basic to humans as walking or eating. It is energy consuming for workers and for the courts that are busy with thousands of cases that queue up.
To announce the hiring of workers during the strike is just one of many proofs of this multinational’s lack of willingness to negotiate. To have this type of attitude in Spain, birthplace of the company, would be shameful, is it not the same? In Brazil, as in any other Latin American country it is too. Hiring any company that carries out union busting practices is shameful anywhere on the planet. UNI does not forget this, and will not let anyone forget.