UNI MLC Migrant Help Desk - Stepping Up Workers Protection!
UNI-MLC Migrant Help Desk was set up to render aid and advocacy services to migrant workers against exploitation and abuse at work places. Unlike many other similar services provided by other organizations, UNI-MLC’s Migrant Help Desk operates purely on non profit basis. Recognition by UNHCR of UNI MLC Migrant Help Desk as a dependable and trustworthy center that is able to solve and produce positive results on behalf of Working Refugees is in itself a great honor for this organisation. As such, UNI MLC Migrant Help Desk desire neither political mileage nor financial profits from their efforts. UNI MLC Help Desk’s aims and principles are strongly anchored only in their wish to genuinely render service to the migrant workers in Malaysia. Starting their operation from a single location in Kuala Lumpur, today UNI-MLC migrant workers Help desk is spread through to 22 locations. One can find UNI MLC Help Desk operating in all Malaysian States. Apart from 2 fulltime and 1 part-time paid staff, the rest of the 22 staff including the President of UNI MLC, Mr. Shafie B.P. Mammal are working on a volunteer basis without any remuneration. All the staff at the Migrant Help Desk had worked hard to recover unpaid salaries, wages, compensation, insurance owed to the migrant workers from various sending countries amounting to total of RM 1 million to date. Unlike the standard practice of demanding 10% to 15% (RM 100,000 to RM 150,000 for the RM 1 Million) of any payout that is due to a migrant worker by others, UNI-MLC’s Migrant Help Desk expects just a simple “thank you” from those relieved victims of exploitation and abuse. UNI-MLC Migrant Help Desk has also managed to defuse tensions between migrant workers and their employers amicably through their interventions in various issues including Occupational, Safety and Health (OSH). The UNI-MLC Migrant Help Desk also plays crucial role as a bridge or liaison between relevant government agencies, insurance firms, hospitals, police, varies authorities and migrant workers. There will be greater opportunities for UNI-MLC Help Desk to ceaselessly provide its services for a long time to come. UNI-MLC migrant desk do include OSH issues in its list of task and concerns. UNI-MLC migrant desk approach the OSH issues by working closely with Malaysian National Institute of Occupation, Safety and Health (NIOSH) on policy matters. However, in matters involving individuals or groups concerning OSH, the UNI-MLC Migrant Help Desk is tasked to intervene directly of behalf of the victims. There had been much success to date. UNI-MLC Help Desk have also proposed to include awareness raising campaigns on HIV AIDS and other venereal diseases that migrant workers could easily fall victim to as one of our concern. Pamphlets, highlighting the scourge of the diseases particularly AIDS in scheduled to be printed in the migrant workers languages soon and distributed to them. Genuine interested parties may contact UNI MLC Help Desk for further information and assistance. The details are as followings:- UNI-MLC Migrant Help Desk Tingkat 1, Bangunan PSM No. 17B, Jalan Bangsar 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 603-2282 0555, 603-2282 5350, Fax : 603-2282 0555, 603-2282 1015 Email : Email : Contact Persons: Bro. Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal (Director) - 6013-393 0110 Sis. Faziahtun Akhmar (Migrant Workers Coordinator) Bro. Raja Kumar (Migrant Workers Coordinator) Regardless whether a worker is a migrant or local, a worker is a worker and every human being should be treated with respect and should be able to work in a condusive and safe environment.