UNI FLC Fiji Founding Conference

The Founding Conference of the UNI Fijian Affiliates Liaison Council (UNIFLC Fiji) was held on the 27 June 2008 at Naqova House, Suva, Fiji – the Office of the Fiji Post & Telecommunication Employees’ Association. All the five unions affiliated to UNI in Fiji were represented at the Conference inaugurated by Christopher NG, the UNI Apro Regional Secretary. The Conference adopted the UNI FLC Memorandum of Understanding and the Action Program that constituted the basis for the establishment and function of the UNI FLC Fiji. The Conference elected the following to the UNI FLC Executive Board: Chairman: Mr. Pramod Rae, National Secretary of FB&FSEU Fiji Secretary: Mr. Attar Singh, General Secretary, FPTEA, Fiji Treasurer: Mr. Khmalesh Kumar, General Secretary, Transport Workers’ Union, Fiji Council Member: Mr. Manesa Konataci, General Secretary, TEA Fiji Council Member: Mr. John Mudaliar, Ag General Secretary, NUFCW, Fiji Councl Member: Mr. Sallesh Naidu, Ag President, UNI FLC Youth Committee The Conference also elected Mr. Attar Singh, the General Secretary of Fiji Post & Telecommunication Employees’ Association and the Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions as the UNI FLC Fiji representative on the UNI Apro Executive Committee. Following an extensive discussions, the Conference identified the following as priority for the UNI FLC Fiji: Organising the large potential membership in the retail, logistic, media and property maintenance and security services sectors. Develop the capacity and capability of the UNI affiliates in confronting the challenges posed by changes in work organization, human resources management and employment relations. Development of a strong trade union movement for employees under UNI jurisdiction in the various Pacific Island countries. The newly elected UNI FLC Fiji Executive Board will meet in early July 2008 to develop a comprehensive work program designed to achieve the objectives as outlined.