Declaration on Social Justice for a fair Globalisation a new tool for Trade Unions
In a very challenging and constantly changing world, social justice and a fair globalisation are preconditions that must exist for sustainable progress. The message was repeatedly asserted by participants at a recent workshop on enhancing skills on International Labour standards and Framework agreements jointly organised by UNI Apro and the Frederich Ebert Stiftung. The participants also realised that the new ILO Declaration on social justice for a fair Globalisation is a new tool which they can use to pursue their objectives. The workshop was held on 18-22 August 2008 in Bangkok Thailand.
The Workshop was designed for increasing the skills of participants on the use of International Labour standards as tools for achieving their trade union objectives. Especially, their role in campaigning and asserting for a social dimension in globalisation. The course equipped the participants with the skills and knowledge on international labour standards and framework of agreements. Through the workshop the UNI Apro expected to motivate the participants to change their mindsets and to make use of their skills to engage their employers and their governments in social dialogues.
Twenty eight participants from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam attended the workshop. Most of the participants were active leaders of their organisations. There were a number of persons who are holding key positions in their organisation. There was a good mix of young leaders and senior leaders and they integrated well together reflecting the strong UNI identity that was commonly inherent among them. The country report presentations and the group work provided the participants with a very good avenue for transfer learning and it was observed that they were applying their new found skills instantly by citing International labour standards and ILO conventions in their discussions.
The discussions of global issues and the framework agreements open the eyes of the participants on the need for UNI Apro to adopt new visions and strategies in order to aspire to be representatives sectors under UNI jurisdiction. Towards the end of the course the participants were observed to be able to do the following;
- Describe the structure, functions and role of ILO.
- List out and describe core ILO Conventions and their functions.
- Realised the role of trade unions in monitoring and supervising International labour standards.
- List out the content of a good frame work agreement.
- Illustrate the changing roles of trade unions.
- Describe the changing global phenomenon and illustrate the role of trade unions in facing the challenge of unfair globalisation.
- Motivated to form a networking group to discuss issues on the implementation and monitoring of International Labour standards.
- Motivated to strengthen their unions through organising.
- Conduct effective campaigns on organising and trade union rights issues and on the promotion of international labour standards.
Bro Tim de Meyer International Labour Standards, Specialist from the ILO and his colleague Sister Natsu Nogami Shimokawa participated in the course as resource persons delivering lectures on ILO subjects. UNI Apro training team comprise of Bro Hashim Lobe the Director Trade Union Development Activities and Information, Jayasri Priyalal Director of Finance Sector and Bro Rajendra Acharya, Director UNI DOC Nepal. The course was well very well conducted. Many of the participants felt that similar courses should also be conducted nationally in their countries. They said that the course provided them with the fundamental skills and knowledge to be an effective global player. They also were moved by the international camaraderie and friendship that evoked spontaneously when they were together and felt privilege that they were able to experience and understand the meaning of UNI solidarity.