Today call centre workers in the Philippines, held a big party in Manila to celebrate UNI Global Unions call centre action month. The party held in downtown Manila's clubs district, attracted workers from many call centres such as IBM, banks, contract call centre companies, all came with the same aim. To have some fun, meet some other call centre workers and build the links they need to tackle the issues they have as call centre workers.
On the night five different bands played and gave their time to the cause, some of the band members actually call centre workers themselves. But the music had a purpose; to help call centre workers get their message across in music and words, to say they want decent health & safety conditions, to say they want decent transport to work, to say they want socially responsible employers who care about their workers and will deal with unions and give workers their proper rights.
UNI Global Union is having several events in Manila this week, including the UNI Telecom Asia Pacific committee, the Asia Pacific Post & Logistics committee and seminars on organising logistics workers, young workers and women. Many of the people attending these meetings and seminars joined the call centres workers having fun and getting serious about making their jobs better.
Neil Anderson, Head of UNI Post & Logistics told the workers they weren't alone, this month call centre workers around the world were saying the same thing; "workers everywhere are saying, we want better working conditions, we want companies to recognise our unions and deal with them to make our work places better, we want socially responsible jobs."
The party and the bands went on into the night, but many of the workers had to head off to their call centres to their shifts doing call centre work for companies operating in the USA and Europe.
Fpr mpre abpouot the organisation that set up this great event go to this web page;http://www.uniglobalunion.org/UNIInDep.nsf/0/031108_EN_0A