Americas Info Bulletin

Solidarity with Workers of Telmex Colombia
The trade union of workers of the multinational company Telmex was recently created in Colombia. The Mexico-based company is known for its anti-union policy. When our Colombian brothers and sisters created this trade union they were arbitrarily dismissed and now count on the support of the General Confederation of Workers of Colombia (CGT) and the UNI americas Liaison Committee in Colombia, but they still need the solidarity of all of our affiliates. Please e-mail your messages, following the pre-drafted text, to Ángel Santamaría, and Leonor Sierra, who are collaborating in this crusade.
UNI Enthusiastically Welcomes President Obama’s Commitment
UNI gladly welcomes the commitment made by President Barak Obama’s Administration concerning labor and decent work in the United States. UNI congratulated itself today for the support given to workers and to trade union rights by the Obama Administration when President Obama invited union leaders to the White House to witness his announcement on the creation of a special Task Force for the middle class and the signing of several executive orders that will benefit workers. This special Task Force created by the White House will focus on matters aimed at strengthening and expanding the middle class. To this end, the task force will contact trade union organizations and other stakeholders.
UNI global union
CHILE: Bank Workers Report 5,000 Unjustified Dismissals
The Confederation of Bank and Related Workers’ Trade Unions argues that the high number of layoffs is unjustified since banks continue having revenues in the millions. The Confederation of Bank and Related Workers of Chile, CSTEBA, reported that over five thousand employees in the sector have been fired during the last fiscal year alone, adding that downsizing is contradictory to the millionaire profits of the banking sector, with balance sheets that show no signs of the impact of the crisis.
Source: María José Mendoza / La Nación newspaper, Thursday, February 4, 2009
UNI Americas Repudiates Layoffs in the Gaming Sector in Panama
“The layoffs of the last few months are part of the normal turnover in the Fiesta Casinos business, and the company has no financial problems,” stated Guillermo Quiñónez, General Manager of one of the largest casinos in the country. This surprising statement made to the media in Panama came at a time when reports were circulating about the redundancy of around 150 workers. UNI global union, through its Regional Office in the Americas, strongly repudiates the behavior of Fiesta Casinos, which has fired workers for no reason. By making public our repudiation of the arbitrary measure taken by the company, UNI Americas calls on the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (MITRADEL) of Panama to pay attention to the above-mentioned events and to adopt measures to protect employment in the gaming sector in that country.
Private Security Guards Protest against Wackenhut Subsidiary in Panama
Workers of Seguridad Técnica, S. A.—a Panamanian subsidiary of the private security multinational Wackenhut—protested outside the company facilities in Panama City, Panama. The Industrial Trade Union of United Security Workers (SITUS), member of UNI global union, organized the protest to claim a series of non-compliances on the part of management. Workers holding banners and chanting slogans thus expressed their dissatisfaction with the managers of Seguridad Técnica, S.A., who refused to pay the bonuses owed to workers since 2006. Likewise, SITUS trade union leaders demand that the company deposit in the Social Security Fund, as installments, the amounts deducted from salaries to cover health care services, occupational risks, and other benefits.
Productive Visit by Neil Anderson to UNI Americas
In his recent visit to the Americas region, Bro. Neil Anderson, Head of UNI Post & Logistics, held several working meetings related to the UNI-FNV-DHL Project and the organization of the Third Conference, as well as the Regional and World Committee meetings for that sector, planned for next May in Mexico City. He also attended a formal meeting with the brothers and sisters of the Management Committee of ASECOTEL, the Association of Postal and Telegraph Workers of Panama. Lastly, Bro. Anderson headed a delegation that met with Ms. Sandra Miró, the DHL Country Manager in Panama.
SINTETEL Brazil Calls to Celebrate Women’s International Day
We have received a beautiful postcard from our affiliate SINTETEL, the Trade Union of Workers of Telecommunications Companies and Telephone Exchange Operators of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in which the Management Committee cordially invites members to celebrate Women’s International Day. We are happy to pass on this initiative which we warmly embrace.
Executive Order Benefits Bolivian Workers
The Bolivian Graphical Federation, FGB, informs that on February 20, through Executive Order No. 0012 of President Evo Morales, Bolivian workers have achieved job security for both parents, who cannot be removed from their jobs from the day of gestation to the first year of the child’s birth. We further inform that, through Executive Order No. 0016, the pay raise for the private sector is to be negotiated between the parties, on the basis of a 12% increase. Considering that most graphical workers are in the private sector, we have accepted this wage raise since it is regulated and binding under the terms submitted by our sector.
Source: FGB
Successful UNI Americas Campaign in Property Services
UNI americas Property Services has been conducting a successful organizing campaign to strengthen private security trade unions in the region. To date, astounding progress has been made, particularly in Paraguay, Chile, and Panama, where trade union organizations in the sector are becoming increasingly “visible” and are gradually setting guidelines in their demands for better working conditions for thousands of men and women working in the growing industry of private security. The campaign is one of the actions in a project sponsored by the Finnish Solidarity Center (SASK), which has led to an increased membership in the sector. UNI Property Services global union now has four new affiliates in Latin America: the National Trade Union of Private Security Workers (SNTGS) / Paraguay, the Federation of Security and Services Workers of Chile (FETRASECH), the National Trade Union of Workers of Brinks de Colombia, SA. (SINTRABRINKS), the National Union of Security Agency Workers (UNTAS), and the Industrial Trade Union of United Security Workers (SITUS), both of Panama.
We encourage our readers to send their comments, suggestions and contributions to the editor of UNI-Info, via e-mail; Fax (507) 317-0170, or by mail to P.O. Box 0819-06290, El Dorado, Panama, Republic of Panama.