Electronic Bulletin americas info
UNI in Union Solidarity Mission in Honduras
A union Solidarity mission organised by the Union Confederation of workers of the Americas, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-TUCA) and the Global Union Federations (Gufs), emphatically declared that:” Due to the pretence of perpetuating the insurgence of the elites and power groups in Honduras, the international union movement is urged to redouble efforts and deepen the solidarity actions with the Honduran union and social resistance, to achieve the restoration of the constitutional order and the rule of law, which will indisputably be accomplished by the restitution of the deposed constitutional president Manuel Zelaya Rosales to power”, say the participants in their report. The group declares its support to all the actions adopted by the National Front of Resistance against the coup d’état, including the indefinite strike in the public sector started on August 6th. The mission remains in solidarity and will participate in the marches and parades started from all cardinal points in the country heading for the cities of Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.
CONAGRA Chile creates a digital forum
During July 15th, 16th and 17th, CONAGRA organised a seminar on Digital Technology aimed at Heads of Communication Departments, dissemination and notice boards of unions affiliated to the Confederation. The 22 workers who attended this event represented 15 affiliated unions, who were led into a completely new digital world considering their knowledge and ordinary practices. The objective is to create web sites for each organisation, which will enable them to generate a higher level of communication. The work concluded with the agreement on creating a digital forum among all the attendants to the meeting, as well as designing a blog for each participant union, which will be found in the CONAGRA site
“Free from Fear” campaign intensified in Colombia
On July 25th and 26th 2009, the first seminar on Human Rights was carried out in Colombia. The main objective of the event was to provide a follow up on the violations of union, labour and human rights in this country, which presents the highest index as regards this issue in the region. “By means of this project, we will deepen the relationship between the UNI and ICEM even more, by studying subjects as precarity of outsourcing”, declared Mario Bustos, responsible of this international organisation in Colombia. “There are no rights without a life”, UNEB leader Francisco López Pérez, expressed. UNEB is a union of the financial sector recently affiliated to UNI. “We have to stop the annihilation wave of unions, we have been reduced from 500 members to 99”, declared a union leader from the Brinks Colombia Union, among other opinions equally important expressed in the seminar.
Graphics evaluate collective bargaining in Colombia
Between July 24th and 25th 2009, an evaluation seminar on Collective Bargaining took place in Colombia, for unions affiliated to the Federation of Graphic Arts, Paper and related activities, FENALGRAP. The event took place at CTC’s headquarters with the participation of 20 colleagues of this union organisation, which objective was to evaluate the aspects related to collective bargaining, issue on which UNI Americas Graphics has been developing researches and actions for three years through a specialized regional network. At the end of the event, the participants agreed on actions oriented to strengthen their collective bargaining processes and to consolidate the union organisation.
Collective bargaining network bears fruit in Guatemala
With the participation of 21 union leaders, including three women, the Seminar on Collective Bargaining was carried out for members of the Union of Workers of Free Press and Subsidiary Companies of Guatemala, STEPLEA. In this opportunity the participants evaluated the project of the Regional Network on Collective Bargaining in UNI Americas Graphics. Among various interesting speeches, the participation of Sergio Aldana, General Secretary of the Union stood out. He manifested with great satisfaction that “thanks to the support of the network and the knowledge achieved in the activities we participated, we fulfilled the subscription of our Collective Agreement in Free Press and Subsidiary Companies”. On the other side, Anacleto Morales, member of the union management of STEPLEA said “one of the main goals fulfilled among many, was to achieve stability in our job positions”.
Alliance for the defence of human rights in Guatemala
With the participation of 22 male colleagues and 3 female colleagues, the organisations affiliated to UNI in Guatemala carried out a seminar specialized in the defence of Human, Labour and Union rights in Colombia on July 30th and 31st, 2009. The event counted with the advice of specialists of the Mutual Support Group (MSG), historic organisation in the fight for the defence of human rights in that country, who presented a clear and detailed exposition on existing national and international mechanisms for the defence of human rights. By the end of the meeting, agreements were settled to document and disseminate the violations of union, labour and human rights, using for such purpose communication tools, like UNI’s web site, among many.
Colombia and Guatemala affiliates support Free Choice Act
COLOMBIA: As a part of an agreement originated in the Seminar on Human Rights organised by UNI Americas in Colombia, representatives of Federations and Unions affiliated to UNI in that country, delivered the UNI support letter to constitute free and democratic unions in the United States. In this way, they seal their compromise with the American workers and their gratitude to the government of President Barack Obama for this initiative. The American union movement has played a very important role for Colombia’s respect to human, labour and union rights in the FTA between both countries.
GUATEMALA: “We are decidedly supporting this law to express our solidarity with American workers and to make the right to unionisation be respected at an international level, which multinational companies operating from the United States are trying to becloud”, was the conclusion of the Human Right’s Network of Guatemala, created at a UNI Americas seminar on July 30th and 31st, 2009. At the same time, representatives of five unions and federations also signed the letter.
IBERDROLA considers Latin America a referent of expansion
Iberdrola Engineering has established Latin America as its point of reference to consolidate its international expansion. The recent agreement for awarding a combined cycle power station in Venezuela, with an investment close to U$s 2000, is added to the projects the company develops in Mexico and Brazil. Iberdrola Engineering counts with a staff of 70 workers in Venezuela.
Organisation of DHL workers in Panama and Colombia
PANAMA: UNI, ITF, UNCOTAP AND SIELAS members met at UNI Americas regional headquarters with the aim of evaluating the behaviour of the company towards their workers and their restructuring measures. Panama unions informed that in the past, DHL workers did not consider the possibility of joining a union. They felt working for DHL was a privilege, comparing theirs to the working conditions in other companies in the country. However, this situation changed two years ago. Working conditions in DHL Panama started to deteriorate and the work pressure increased sustainedly. Nowadays more and more activities are being outsourced by the company and consequently they are saving money while the employees work under precarious conditions.
COLOMBIA: representatives of the National Union of Transport Workers, SNTT, affiliated to ITF, and the Union of Postal Workers of Colombia, STPC, affiliated to UNI, along with colleagues Fabio Arias Giraldo, member of the Executive National Committee of the CUT ; Alexander Gaitán, President of the CUT Bogotá-Cundinamarca, and UNI Americas staff, held a meeting in the city of Bogotá with the objective of sharing information on national and international logistic companies operating in Colombia, and to exchange information on the union activities of DHL throughout the world. In this occasion, a first strategic plan as regards no how to focus DHL workers was elaborated, due to the precarious situation on human and labour rights prevailing in the country.
Panama postal workers hold vigil due to massive dismissals
In the outskirts of the Don Bosco Basilica at the Calidonia Township of Panama City, half a hundred workers affiliated to the Association of Postal Workers (ASECOTEL), held a vigil on August 5th in protest against the massive dismissals that are being carried out by the new President, the businessman Ricardo Martinelli, leader of the “Alliance for Change” government This measure affects 300 officers to whom the 629 article of the Administrative Code is being applied. This article’s applicability extends to the positions of “free appointment and removal”, which the leaders of ASECOTEL , presided by colleague Ismael Ruiz, consider an irrational resolution, considering the fact that workers are receiving monthly salaries under U$s 325,00.
A judicial victory for Postal workers in Brazil.
A judicial action filed by the Brazilian Association of Distribution Companies, ABRAED, against the Postal monopoly in Brazil, suffered an unimpaired defeat at the Supreme Federal court, SFC, which is the highest judicial instance in Brazil. Actually, the plenary of the Supreme Court approved on a 6 to 4 vote, the resolution for maintaining the postal monopoly by stating that law 6538/78 regulating the activity had constitutional nature. According to this decision, personal cards, bank bills, public services bills, postal cards, credit cards, only can be delivered by the Postal Public Company, whereas other type of correspondence like newspapers, magazines and packages can be distributed by private enterprises.
“Yellow union” in DHL São Paulo?
UNI Americas and FENTECT-SP represented by Cenise Monteiro and Director Manuel Feitosa respectively, showed their amazement at the situation of the DHL workers in Brazil as regards their union representation. In fact, in February 2009, UNI Americas and FENTECT met with the President of the Union of Freight Transport Workers of São Paulo and Region. However the contact was brief, they could prove they had subscribed a collective agreement with the company, whose copy was suspiciously denied to them. Moreover, the union leader was accompanied by a lawyer throughout the meeting, whose daughter holds one of the management positions in DHL. The delegation had no doubts that they were in front of a “company union”, controlled by its executives, which in Brazil is called a “pelego union”, and in other countries it might be denominated “yellow union” or “white union”.
First Project of Collective Agreement presented to the ICE in Costa Rica
On August 4th, the first Project of Collective Agreement was presented to the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, ICE. This constitutes a historical event for this institution and the labour organisations which represents them. The National Association of Technicians and Workers of Energy and Communications, ANTTEC, and the Industrial Union of Energy and Telecommunications workers, SITET, which join together a large number of workers of that company, were among the subscribing organisations. The negotiation project seeks to strengthen the achievements fulfilled by workers of that state company, apart from gaining other guaranties for their represented workers and their organisations, now that they have made the decision of facing the competence, after the openness policies approved by the Free Trade Agreement with the United States.
ASECOTEL Panama “Online”
UNI Americas Post & Logistiscs contributed with an ultimate generation computer which was installed in the headquarters of the Union of Mail and Post Office Workers, ASECOTEL, in Caledonia, city of Panama. This new tool will allow the post office colleagues a permanent connection with the postal unions of the region and the world, as well as with the rest of the international union movement. You can deliver your greetings’ messages to the General Secretary’s e-mail address, colleague Ismael Ruiz
Outstanding Colombian union leader passed away
We regret to record the death of the Colombian union leader APECIDES ALVIZ FERNANDEZ, President of the Confederation of Workers of Colombia, CTC. His decease occurred on August 20th when he was presiding a discussion panel of the Social and Political Summit Meeting at the La Salle University in the city of Bogota. He suffered a sudden heart attack which caused his death while he was receiving urgent medical care at a clinic, where he had been taken by his colleagues. 1500 delegates where witnesses of his death, a fact that casts a gloom over the whole Colombian union movement. You can click on “related files” and go over “biographical sketch of a leader”, a document issued by CTC Colombia. From these pages we express to all the colleagues of CTC, the Colombian workers and to his family and friends, our deepest condolences for this irreparable loss.
Argentine Health Unions on strike for fair salaries
The Federation of Associations of Argentine Health, FATSA, called over a national strike for 48 hours, due to the negative of the sector’s business chambers to sign the salary collective agreement. UNI expresses its most unconditional support towards this legitimate measure. FATSA starts mobilizations in the most important cities of the country, where health workers claim for their rights to receive fair salaries.
UNI global union
Strategic Planning at graphic unions in Peru
The Executive Committee of the Graphic Federation of Peru, FGP, organised a seminar on Strategic Planning during August 15th and 16th, 2009 in Lima City. During the execution of this event, the members of the Federation evaluated the work developed so far this year, and planned actions to develop for the remainder of the year and for 2010. Carlos Torres, General Secretary of the Federation, pointed out that they will continue to support affiliated unions in the process of collective bargaining which will be still taking place this year. He also indicated that they will initiate a process of unionisation in those places where there are no existing unions at present.
Retaliation towards union organisation in DHL Costa Rica?
On August 17th, 2009, UNI-FNV Project Manager had a meeting with union representatives and members of the Industrial Union of Energy and Telecommunications of Costa Rica, SITET, who declared that for now, no DHL union has been organised in that country. The reasons might be different, but one of the most recurrent is the retaliation the workers might have to undergo in their attempt to create a union. However, SITET is willing to take the risk and test the experience of their leaders to face employers who disrespect the worker’s rights.
Goodbye to the Energy Company Union Fenosa
The Energy Company will cease to exist as a mercantile society, though not as a trade mark. The company says goodbye as a supplier and announces the transfer of its data to Natural Gas, owner of the 100% of the company of Spanish capitals. Natural Gas, has not already decided the name of the new conglomerate, after the takeover. They will constitute the biggest energetic Spanish group.
Evaluation of MOVISTAR Project in El Salvador
In San Salvador City, El Salvador, on August 25th, 26th and 27th of the ongoing year, a Seminar on Evaluation of the Project of Movistar Workers’ Organisation was carried out. On this occasion, the commitments of promoting the organisation of the MOVISTAR workers were reaffirmed, at least at the countries in which the project considers the development. The participants ratified their need to work in line with the regional network and making their best use of the tools that are already at their disposal.
SUTTEL - El Salvador on strike for anti union practices in CTE Telecom
On August 27th, our affiliate SUTTEL, Unity Union of Company Workers of Telecommunications of El Salvador, carried out a labour strike for three hours, at the façade of the Roma Building, Parent House of the company CTE Telecom which belongs to Mobile America. The aim of the strike was to publicly denounce the company for having increased its well-known anti union policy, by coercing and psychologically pressuring the colleagues to resign voluntarily to their jobs. Otherwise, they are all the same dismissed arbitrarily.
Collective agreement: clue element for graphic unions
On August 27th and 28th, the Industrial Union of Workers of Graphic Arts of Mexico (SITAG), carried out a seminar on Collective Bargaining, Security and Health at Work. “We have a tough fight ahead against the Mexican Employer’s Protection contracts which do not benefit workers but, on the contrary, they favour lawyers and human resources executives. We must reinforce this campaign in which the Union Confederations and social organisations are involved in this country”, expressed Adriana Rosenzvaig, UNI’s Head of Campaigns and Unionisation, who also recognised the organisational advances of SITAG. On its part, Leif Mettavainio from the Union of Graphics and Woodworkers of Sweden (GS), granted support to SITAG in the defence of the interests of the workers of Mexico.
Increase in Murders of Private Security Guards in Panama
So far this year, fourteen is the number of private security guards that have been murdered during their working time, while more than twelve remain hospitalized in a delicate state of health. Mostly, the motivation has been the theft of the agent’s arms. Anibal Gonzalez, General Secretary of the National Union of Workers of Security Agencies (UNTAS) an organisation affiliated to UNI Global Union, has pointed out on many occasions that the owners of the companies do not train the security agents to act in situations of risk, and some of these agencies do not bear arms. On the other hand, the provision of operation certificates to security agencies that do not observe the legal requirements has become one of the main causes of the death of many security agents in the hands of the criminals.
Raul Requena takes over as Regional Secretary of UNI Americas
In a simple ceremony carried out at the Regional Headquarters of UNI Americas on August 31st, and in the presence of the Coordinator of the Liaison’s Committee, colleague Pedro Hurtado and the General Secretaries of the Panamanian affiliates SINTCAWIPSA, of Telecommunications; SITEDEMET and SITIESPA, Energy; FENOSIT and SINDICOS, Commerce; SITEA, Milk Workers, ASECOTEL, Postal Workers; SITGRAF, Graphics; SIPANAB, Air Hostesses; SITUS and UNTAS, Private Security; SINTRACT, Professionals of the Panama Canal; apart form the Executive Secretary of the Luis Anderson Foundation, FLA, Rodolfo Benítez made the presentation of Raul Requena as the new Regional Secretary. Rodolfo Benítez filed for retirement according to what had been previously informed by UNI’s Central Office. Raul Requena expressed UNI’s recognition for the work developed by his predecessor and committed to devote his best efforts to face UNI Americas challenges. At the same time, he invited all to a coordinated work with the aim of achieving the objectives of UNI Global Union.
Electronic Bulletin “NEWS”
We are very pleased to announce the creation of the Gaming Electronic Bulletin, which is administered by ALEARA. We deliver our readers the link of its publication called “NEWS”, corresponding to August 2009, to which you may access by clicking the title of this article.
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