americas info Electronic Bulletin

UNI americas “Breaking Through”
The 11th UNI americas Regional Executive Committee Meeting unanimously approved the “Breaking Through” paper submitted by the President and the Regional Secretariat. Among other issues, the paper proposes the following actions: strengthening trade union rights and decent work in national, regional and global companies; enhancing the organization’s training; strengthening collective bargaining processes to create a socially sustainable work environment; reinforcing the political and regulatory influence of trade unions; thinking more strategically; implementing a growth policy; and improving work methods in order to increase membership and make existing organizations stronger. Learning about the campaign experiences of the new UNI SCORE Department headed by Adriana Rosenzvaig and UNI sectors was very useful. UNI SCORE works on three fundamental aspects: training, mobilizing, and unionizing through cohesion, advocacy, synergy, and focus. Its objectives include: to support strategic campaigns; to support trade union alliances; to develop projects in line with UNI’s objectives; and to gear research efforts towards action; organizing; global agreements; and human rights, as well as those of trade unions and labor.
UNI americas Executive Committee Adopts New Strategies
With more than 100 people in attendance, including members, guests and observers, the UNI americas Regional Executive Committee formally opened its 11th Annual Meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay. The opening session was attended by the Minister of Labor of Uruguay, Dr. Julio Baráibar, and by his Argentine counterpart, Dr. Carlos Tomada, as well as by Gustavo Bernini, Socialist Party congressman and former trade union leader of the Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay (AEBU), all of whom contributed interesting remarks and ideas for debate. The Regional Management Committee had met earlier and adopted the REC Agenda and Order of Business.
During the first day of the meeting, the Committee discussed the issue of Global Financial Crisis and Organizing Campaigns with a focus on the “Breaking through” strategy, whose main objective is to train and organize more workers in the hemisphere.
In addressing participants at the meeting, Philip Jennings, UNI General Secretary, said that “a South African multinational company will sign the 35th global agreement with UNI.” And added, “We have witnessed the resounding failure of banks leading us to the crisis... We cannot let the same people make the same mistakes...”
UNI-SASK Project Planning Workshop in Panama
UNI americas Telecom affiliates from Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua gathered in Panama from February 2 to 4 for a Planning Workshop designed to devise action strategies to be implemented during the second phase of the Organizing and Coordinating Movistar Workers project. The main purpose of the workshop was to develop an effective organizing plan and to obtain commitments from the unions representing Movistar workers in the region. At the end of the event, participants handed in an Action Plan aimed at having the greatest possible impact in each country in order to effectively meet the project’s objectives.
Condemnation of Panamanian Government’s Policies against the People
Trade union and social leaders of various national organizations joined to condemn the policies adopted by the current administration of Panama against the Panamanian people along with its abuse of power; its disregard for the people’s fair aspirations; the mass redundancies in the public sector; the continuation of environmentally predatory projects; the high cost of living; the establishment of air and naval bases; the increase in taxes, water prices, and travel tickets; the political persecution and violation of freedom of association and labor rights; its reactionary and improvised project for curriculum transformation, and the privatization of health care, water, and transport services. Participants agreed to carry out days of action, peaceful protests and leaflet distribution actions along with a huge march to the President’s House in March. They also approved an action of solidarity with Haiti and another one with the Single Construction Workers’ Union (SUNTRACS) in relation to the murder of Luiyi Argüelles on February 18. Furthermore, there was agreement on the need to conduct a study on the role of agencies that finance mining and other projects and to update the demands of the Action Coordinating Body (Coordinadora de Lucha). A declaration of solidarity with the workers fighting the privatization of Port Limón in Costa Rica was also adopted.
Launch of the joint HIV Prevention Campaign in Brazil
The ceremony took place in Brasilia, in the presence of FENTEC (UNI Post&Logistics affiliate in Brazil) representatives, the Minister of Health, Mr. José Gomes Temporão, UNAIDS country coordinator for Brazil Mr Pedro Chequer, as well as the President of the National Post Offices in Brazil, Mr. Carlos Henrique Custódio. As part of the first phase of the campaign, which focuses on sensitizing the general public, the committee in charge of the campaign in Brazil, which FENTECT is part of, will also be distributing 800 000 letters with HIV prevention messages to households in pilot regions. A specific website has been set up for the campaign as well a special stamp.
UNI americas Women’s Regional Committee meets in Montevideo
More than 40 women, including 19 delegates, participated in the 10th UNI americas Regional Women’s Committee Meeting held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on February 12 and 13. On this occasion, the Committee discussed the Strategic Priorities of the Women’s Group, their participation at the World Women’s Conference to be held in Nagasaki, Japan, on November 2010, and the “Breaking Through” project in relation to women’s representation in UNI Global Union. The Committee also heard reports on activities carried out in the various countries. The introduction of the Women’s Networks of Argentina and Brazil along with the projection of a video entitled “Sorry, Haiti” (Lo siento, Haití) depicting the devastation caused by the earthquake in all its magnitude were the highlights of the meeting. The Committee decided to submit a motion of solidarity with the Haitian people to the Regional Executive Committee urging it to support the resolution on the condoning of Haiti’s foreign debt and to coordinate other solidarity efforts from the Regional Office. Also present at this meeting were the UNI Women World President, sister Denise Maguire, and the Head of the UNI Equal Opportunities Department, sister Verónica Fernández.
Union video demands DHL respects its workers
Unions are blasting German-based post and logistics company Deutsche Post DHL for the betrayal of its hallmark value of respect in a new video that highlights the company’s failure to respect worker’s rights worldwide. Watch the video here
DHL is currently trampling workers rights in Belgium, where the company is set to shut down its European headquarters near Brussels Airport and put 788 people out of work. The company will move the work to Bonn, Leipzig and Prague. The company said the decision was made simply for convenience and will not produce any cost savings. Fewer than 5 percent of workers said they could relocate to the new facilities. DHL is also refusing to negotiate the severance packages with the union and says it will only engage individually with workers, a move which will likely mean that many workers will receive much less than they would if the union represented them. The DHL Workers Network, a global network of over 200,000 workers in more than 50 unions, has put together a video message for the company, demanding that it show respect to its workers and sign a global agreement that will make its commitments to workers rights clear and its responsibilities explicit.
Costa Rica: Trade union activism in private sector
25 participants from 4 countries and 6 unions and 5 facilitators from SITET, UNI global union, ITF and the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center intensively practiced approaching workers in private transport, post & logistics and telecom companies. Equipped with theory and examples of typical anti-union campaign and activities rolled out by companies to avoid organizing, participants trained in plays how to argue in favor of workers and trade union rights. Activists were also prepared for their tasks with knowledge about tools like mapping, networking and collective bargaining. Work plans specify the next steps to organise companies and call centers in the region like DHL, UPS, HP and ICE. SITET and UNI coordinators will follow up the plans.
Claro Pursues Antiunion Practices Policy
The Telecommunications Workers’ Union from the State of Goias, Brazil¯a FENATEL affiliate¯has denounced antiunion practices by a manager at a Claro (America Movil) customer service store in Goiânia, the capital city. Such practices were clearly demonstrated during the trade union elections held in that state. Trade union leader Valdemar Antonio da Silva Junior fell victim to local management’s persecution intended to prevent him from participating in the elections process. However, the company’s management had been notified of this process in due time as required by the Brazilian law. Aside from persecuting him, the manager also dismissed him, but since he had trade union privileges, the company could do nothing but reinstate him in his position. Unfortunately, the manager began harassing him morally, and he had to be hospitalized due to a severe stress condition. SINTTEL Goias brought a criminal lawsuit against the manager and against Claro (América Móvil).
UNI Satisfied with AEBU’s Affiliation
Following the request for affiliation made by President Fernando Gambera on behalf of the Association of Bank Workers of Uruguay at the 11th UNI americas Regional Executive Committee Meeting held on February 15 and 16 in Montevideo, the organization interviewed Regional Secretary Raúl Requena, who expressed UNI’s satisfaction at AEBU’s incorporation into UNI.
Source: AEBU
Postal Privatisation is a «bad idea», says Obama
During a recent Q&A session at the white house, President Obama mentioned that privatisation «is a bad idea most of the time». He explained that private postal operators would only focus on the most beneficial segments of the market and that «those companies would not want to provide universal service».
USPS examines 'Postal Future': On March 2, the Postal Service sponsored a conference in Washington called "Envisioning America's Postal Future" to kick off debate over alternative business models for the 21st century. NALC President Fred Rolando is advocating a "Last Mile" approach to reinventing the Service. "Adding new services to take advantage of the unmatchable postal network and leveraging America's trust in letter carriers and the Postal Service is the key to the future," he said. "Eliminating Saturday delivery would be penny wise and pound foolish. It would simply drive more mailers away." In the short term, Congress must reform the unaffordable retiree health prefunding requirement placed on USPS in 2007 just as the Great Recession began. Over the long run, the Service and its stakeholders must be given freedom to innovate and meet the evolving needs of Americans and the economy. Rolando issued a press release that expressed NALC’s views on the Service’s proposals. To find out more, see the March Postal Record for the first in a series of articles on the alternative business models.
Commemorate strike's 40th: Learn about the dramatic 1970 walkout from those who were there, including NALC President Emeritus Vincent R. Sombrotto, Saturday, March 20, at 1 p.m. at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum's Discovery Center. NALC members are invited to a reception following the presentation - call 202-633-5528 202-633-5528 to RSVP by March 8.
Source: NALC
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