New models of unionism needed to attract professionals
Trade unions should develop new models of unionism attractive to professionals, women and young workers.
Head of UNI’s Professional and Managerial Staff (PMS) Gerhard Rohde told the UNI Africa PMS Committee meeting in Cairo, Egypt on 9 March that there were a growing number of skilled employees in the services sector who should be organised into trade unions. “PMS is taking shape in Africa and getting more important in the company. Our challenge is to develop a new trade union message and image. As a centre of knowledge, PMS will play an important role in operationalising the five strategic objectives outlined in UNI’s Breaking Through project,” he said. He said companies that prevent professional and managerial staff from joining unions had no legal basis and if they had such national or company laws were in conflict with international laws that allow freedom of association. “We should train PMS staff and equip them with particular knowledge and skills to become trade union ambassadors at the workplace to recruit more members. And World President of the UNI PMS group Christer Forslund said, in addition to representing workers, unions should develop different services for professional staff and spread dialogue on ethical issues which affect PMS staff. UNI Deputy General Secretary Philip Bowyer said the growing services sector was changing the structure of the world economy. As such, the work of the PMS group was important to ensure the success of trade unionism. UNI Africa President Bones Skulu said the PMS group had a strategic location in unions and that they would play a significant role in UNI’ Breaking Through project. UNI Africa Regional Secretary Zakari Koudougou pledged the region’s support in mainstreaming the ideas and objectives of the PMS group in Africa. There are 172 affiliates in UNI Africa with membership in the professional and managerial category that would be integrated in PMS activities. Last year, UNI Africa held the 1st regional conference for PMS in Dakar, Senegal at which Mamadou Aidara Diop from Senegal was elected president. The conference also elected the first regional PMS Committee in UNI Africa and adopted an action plan. |