Revival and Renewal:UNI Europa EFCI Cleaning SocialDialogue Conference
The conference was the final stage of an important project looking into the European Social Dialogue in the cleaning sector and welcomed employers, trade union officials and cleaners from Sweden, France, the UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The project, funded by the European Commission, involved research conducted by the Working Lives Institute as well as the creation of a joint social partner working group.
During the conference the final research was presented by Nick Clark, the principal researcher of the project. He presented his findings on:
- the effects of the economic crisis on the sector, the various definitions of daytime work which exist across Europe and the various systems of collective bargaining found in the cleaning sector.
- the opinion of UNI Europa and EFCI members on the work of the social dialogue over the last 18 years and its priorities for the future.
Interventions also included:
Ø Overview of European Cleaning sector: actions taken and issues of concern for workers and employers regarding Health and Safety
Brenda O’Brien, Manager Brussels Liaison Office, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Ø Promotion of Socially Responsible Public Procurement in the Cleaning Sector Presentation of the European Commission’s guide, objectives and future work
Sue Bird, DG EMPL, Unit D/2, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission
Ø National responses to price pressures: UK London living wage campaign
British EFCI member CSSA Andrew Large, Chief Executive, Cleaning and Support Services Association, UK
Ø Panel discussion: Challenges of the European social dialogue in the Cleaning sector
Dr. Claudia Weinkopf, Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fabienne Scandella, ETUI Researcher
Ø Danish Visible Cleaners campaign – highlighting the value and role of cleaners in society
UNI Europa Danish Member 3F
Henriette Olofsen, Collective Bargaining Officer, 3F, Denmark
Ø Collective bargaining in the Netherlands
Dutch EFCI member OSB
Norma van den Berg, Director Legal and HR, ISS Facility Services, the Netherlands
Finally, the 2011-2012 work programme was discussed openly amongst the participants and finally adopted with some changes. This will be placed on the web when it is finalised.
UNI Europa would like to thank all of its affiliates who were involved in the project and in particular of the cleaners who took the time to attend the conference yesterday. We hope to see you in the social dialogue next year!
Please find attached:
- Final Report in English (French, Spanish and German to follow).
- Conference agenda (English, French, Spanish and German)
For more details please contact
Rachel Owens
Policy Officer
UNI europa
rue de l'Hôpital 31
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 235 08 74
Fax: +32 2 235 08 70