Support workers at Genting Casinos in the UK!

Write a support message asking the company to immediately meet with officials of the GMB and to cease the bullying and intimidating actions against the workers to:
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GMB is seriously concerned at the unprofessional way Gentings are behaving in relation to this matter, the bullying and intimidatory way they are forcing individuals to comply when in fact Gentings themselves are 'breaking the law' by unilaterally imposing major changes without consultation and agreement
GMB today slammed Gentings Casinos for announcing its intention to impose changes to the working hours of their door staff and car jockeys at the companies two prestigious Mayfair casinos; Crockfords and The Colony Club without consultation and threatening staff if they don't take up the new rotas.
Today (Friday 19th November 2010) Gentings have said that they intend to impose new working time rotas on the two casinos, door staff and car jockeys despite not having consulted with the staff or GMB or taking into account the problems this imposition will cause staff who have family commitments and childcare arrangements in place.
GMB members report having been approached by managers and threatened with disciplinary action if they do not adopt the new working hours on Monday.
GMB attempted to clarify the situation and to start the consultation process by attending a meeting organised by Gentings but Gentings managers failed to attend the meeting. GMB lodged a collective grievance against the company's failure to consult which the company dismissed and are now imposing the changes on Monday despite GMB's outstanding appeal.
Anna Meyer, GMB Organiser said, "Gentings HR and Doors Managers have gone round threatening door staff. A letter from Terry Brown, London Car Manager says staff will be sent home if they don't comply with the new rotas. Unilaterally imposing these changes on Monday will cause some staff enormous problems with childcare arrangements and family commitments and yet the company refuses even to meet to discuss the problems as if the people's families don't matter.''
GMB has asked the company to deal with the managers that have used intimidation and threats which should not be acceptable to a company like Gentings and clearly are unnecessary and distressful and make it clear that until all grievance procedures have been fully exhausted then the status quo remains.
Adrian Baker, GMB Organiser said, "GMB is seriously concerned at the unprofessional way that Gentings are behaving in relation to this matter, and the bullying and intimidatory way they are forcing individuals to comply when in fact Gentings themselves are 'breaking the law' by unilaterally imposing major changes without consultation and agreement."