Support workers locked out at MMP Bootle
UK union Unite has issues the following message
MMP Bootle - Lock Out |
As you may be aware, 149 Unite members employed by Austrian multi-national packaging company, Mayr-Melnhof Packaging (MMP) in Bootle, Merseyside have been locked out by the company since 18 February.
After taking legal industrial action, to support a previous agreement reached with MMP and to stop the selection by the company of those to be made redundant, MMP locked the gates of the Bootle site.
Unite members have been picketing the site since and are campaigning to get the company to end the lockout and enter proper negotiations.
The workers have been supported by Unite members throughout the UK, MMP union reps and members throughout the EU and the rest of the world including demonstrations at MMP sites in Germany. MMP workers in Tunisia and Chile stopped work to support their Merseyside comrades.
They have the full support of our General Secretary, Len McCluskey and the Executive Council of Unite.
Negotiations with MMP have been slow and have made little progress as we believe the company is now deliberately prolonging the lockout. MMP has also begun disciplining a number of employees in what Unite official, Phil Morgan described as 'a kangaroo court'. Those employees called in for disciplinary hearings were met by hired security guards and the police.
The company has now issued redundancy notices to select Unite members and is avoiding the call for the full MMP European Works Council to be convened.
Unite members at MMP Bootle are asking for your support
How can you help?
Please take a moment to email to the MMP investors via at with the following message:
"I am aware that at the Mayr-Melnhof Packaging (MMP) factory in Bootle, Merseyside, the company have locked out 149 workers and have failed to enter into realistic and proper negotiations with Unite to resolve the dispute. MMP has now subjected its workers in Merseyside to a totally unfair disciplinary process and intimidation from hired security guards.
In addition the company has issued redundancy notices to members of the Merseyside workforce despite a willingness on the part of the workers to meet to resolve the dispute.
I am writing to you as an investor in MMP to raise this matter with the board and management of MMP at European level and at UK level. I also request that you press the company to enter into proper negotiations with Unite to settle this damaging and unnecessary dispute."
You can also visit the picket at Mayr-Melnhof Packaging (MMP), Dunnings Bridge Road, Bootle, L30 6TR.
Send messages of support to the locked out members by emailing
Send financial support to Sogat Process Chapel, 20-10-84, account number: 50823171. Send cheques to Sogat Process Chapel c/o Phil Morgan, 2 Chantry Court, Forge Street, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2DL.
And forward on this e-bulletin to other activists and union members.
Many thanks,
Tony Burke
Unite Assistant General Secretary