The first of 7 national seminars on "socially responsible restructuring" was held in Budapest on the 3rd and 4th April. These seminars are being held as part of the joint project between UNI Europa Graphical & Packaging and Intergraf which culminated in both parties agreeing to enter into a formal social dialogue agreement
The report "The Future of the European Print Industry - In Your Own Hands" and the Toolkit was produced as part of a joint project on "socially responsible restructuring" and is intended to assist companies at plant level to apply industry specific solutions.
The social partners UNI Europa Graphical and Intergraf have entered into social dialogue and are working together to ensure that the industry restructuring is undertaken in a socially responsible manner
The Hungarian Printing Workers Union and the Employers Federation organised 2 separate seminars for small and medium printers and for large printers. Both workshops were well attended.
The workshop was facilitated by Keleman Vera from Outcome (consultancy) who took participants through the Report and the Toolkit .
Some of the key issues which came out through the workshop was the importance of both the employers and the union engaging in dialogue to address the challenges that the Hungarian industry is facing.
Some of those challenges identified were the impact of printing and packaging work moving out of the country to low wage countries this is despite the low wages that still apply in Hungary.
The workshop also engaged in group work which enabled participants to apply a SWOT analysis using the tools contained in the documents.
The importance of reaching a satisfactory solution on collective bargaining was a key point made by the Hungarian Print Workers Union.