As part of UNI Graphical & Packaging's global strategy for organizing workers we are establishing global alliances and global networks in multinational companies to ensure that workers' rights are protected. Amcor is a major global company in the packaging industry and has operations in over 300 sites in 42 countries and employs over 33,000 workers worldwide. UNI is focusing on Amcor as a significant multi-national company to ensure workers rights’, organising and collective bargaining is achieved throughout it’s operations.
As part of developing those global alliances and networks the Head of Department of UNI Graphical & Packaging Steve Walsh recently met with The Chair of Amcor's European Works Council, Dieter Huegle, also involved in the discussions were Paul Rodenfels from IG Metall and Matthias Hartwich from UNIA. The meeting discussed the importance of all regions working together and sharing information particularly around developing a consistent approach on health and safety, social dialogue and restructuring.
In 2011, following the acquisition of Alcan Packaging by Amcor most of the countries in Europe elected new European Works the Council (EWC) members. The EWC has 22 members with Dieter being the Chair, Monika Baertschi from Rickenbach, Switzerland as the first deputy chair and Cedric Seeuws from the Belgium plant Gent as the 2nd deputy chair, these people also comprise the Select Committee.
The EWC members represent the European employees of Amcor and in accordance with the EWC legislation are to be informed and consulted at transnational level by Amcor management on the progress of the company and any significant decisions that may affect the workers.
Contact steve.walsh@uniglobalunion.org