The programme got off the ground today on Tuesday 16 April in Gafsa, the main town of the coal mining area, situated some 400 km to the south-east of Tunis. The workshop, which was organised for members in the postal, telecoms and financial sectors, was opened by Mohamed Sghaier Miraoui, Regional Secretary of UGTT, who said how happy he was that the first UniMena workshop was being held in his region.
Mongi Abderrahim, the Uni Mena coordinator, deployed all his skills to present all the facets of UNI, its objectives and its achievements, its various sectors and departments.
Marcus Courteney, head of the ICTS department, played an active role in the workshop and made a summary presentation on his department and especially on the global agreements. He took advantage of the presence of members from the telecoms sector to speak about the signing of an agreement with the Norwegian mobile telephone operator.
A third presentation was made by Mohamed Ben Salah in his capacity as an advisor. He highlighted the importance of networking and the usefulness of international relations..
The fourth and last speaker of the first day was Nooman Gharbi, a trainer, who stressed the importance of communication for trade union work.
There were many participants who asked questions and sought clarification on a large range of issues. The need for international solidarity ran like a red thread throughout all the comments.
The second day was mostly taken up with a presentation by Mrs Yaacoubi, a trade union trainer, who spoke primarily about collective bargaining.
The workshop was closed in the presence of Mohamed M'sellemi, the UGTT training officer.
Mongi Abderrahim
Coordinator UNI MENA
mobile: 00216 98 94 95 92
Tel/fax: 00216 71 24 76 41
Adr : 34, rue Ali Darghouth Tunis 1001 Tunisie App B 5E