UNI General Secretary calls on Greek PM to reverse closure of ERT
In a letter to Greek Prime Minister Samaras, UNI Global Union General Secretary Philip Jennings urged him to think again about the decision to shutdown ERT, calling it an attack on the democratic rights on the Greek people in the birthplace of democracy.
Read the full letter by clicking on the Related Files tab.
UNI calls on all its affiliates to express their solidarity to the Greek public broadcasting workers and sign the petition ‘Stop the shutdown of Public Television in Greece!’ by clicking here
UNI Europa joined all workers at the Greek public broadcaster ERT and their trade union POSPERT in their protest over the immediate closure of ERT. UNI Europa called on the Greek government to reverse its decision immediately.
In response to the demands of the Troika demanding further dismissals in the Greek public service, the Greek government, creating strong tensions within the governmental formation, abused emergency powers to stop ERT’s transmissions and shut down all public and TV stations in Greece.
“We call on Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, to reverse this incomprehensible and dangerous decision immediately”, said EURO-MEI President William Maunier (SNRT-CGT, France).
UNI MEI President, Gerry Morrissey (BECTU, UK) said “All our broadcasting unions stand in solidarity with POSPERT, colleagues at ERT and citizens in Greece. This is a call for resistance and colleagues across the world will take action to help defend public service broadcasting in Greece.”
ERT is fulfilling an important role in the Greek audiovisual and broadcasting landscape by providing inclusive and diverse programming, promoting the cultural heritage and giving access to major events and non-mainstream programmes at the same time. ERT also broadcasts internationally and brings news and programmes to Greek viewers worldwide, a crucial link to their country of origin. ERT ensures local and regional cohesion through an important and well-run network of regional radio and TV stations. The Greek authorities’ decision will deprive citizens of a vital pillar of democracy. It will punish a dedicated, passionate and skilled workforce that has made sacrifices over the past years to modernise ERT and meet the financial challenges.
UNI Europa called on the EU institutions to take responsibility over the ERT crisis. Oliver Roethig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary, sent letters to the heads of the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the acting Presidency of the Council of Ministers demanding the reversal of such a blow to democracy. The letter sent to the President of the European Commission can be viewed via the Related Files tab.
UNI Europa supports the general strike called by GSEE and ADEDY on Thursday 13 June 2013, in opposition to the closure of ERT. UNI Europa will participate in a demonstration on Friday 14 June 2013, organised by the General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in opposition to the brutal closure of the public broadcaster ERT.
In addition to the collective dismissal of 2,600 broadcasting employees the Greek authorities’ decision significantly undermines media pluralism and democracy in Greece.