From Argentina: UNI Walmart Campaign worker's diary. Day 1
Lisa is in Buenos Aires, Argentina for the UNI Walmart Global Union Alliance meeting. Here is her account:
24 June 2013 - Day one
7:30 It is cold here in Buenos Aires. We arrived today and with some bad luck found out that my luggage is missing. I shudder as I get along with my busy journey. I am only here for three days and hopefully my luggage will arrive tomorrow at around noon.
10:30 Checked-in at the hotel and off for a coffee with my UNI colleagues Alke Boessinger and Sadia Kaenzig to discuss and agree on our plan of action for the week.
11:30 We arrive at our host place, the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Workers (FAECYS). All is set. The venue is well prepared. We go quickly through the programme. Am announced with some last minute changes. Nothing dramatic.
12:00 Lunch at the Querandi. 5 minutes from FAECYS. A charming restaurant ebony and tango dressed since 1867. We have a quick lunch and discuss with UNI Americas colleagues the latest developments in the Walmart campaign. The atmosphere is pleasant. Place is gorgeous and food perfect.
14:30 A special session is organised with the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Workers FAECYS – Walmart network. I present to some 60 participants, hailing from the different corners of Argentina, what’s at stake for the Walmart campaign at the global level and how important it is that locally and at the national level the pressure is kept all the way on Walmart.
FAECYS workers tell me about their local realities. Even in Argentina, they too have issues with Walmart anti labor tactics. Few issues sure yet here they are. Walmart Workers in Argentina, unanimously, stand by their guts and show solidarity with Walmart workers globally. It is inspiring and moving to feel their motivation.
Walmart workers are well organised here. Even if they struggle to make ends meet, they still fight for better labor rights. A lady with a green jacket strikes as she says that they already had a big win with Walmart: stopping overtime work abuses so that workers can at the end spend quality time with their families and rest.
20:00 Dinner at the hotel and off to bed. Exhausted!