Turkish mint strike - your help needed
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UNI is urging its affiliates and members of the public to write to the Turkish Minister of Labour and Social Security in support of mint workers after more than eight weeks of strike action.
The action began after management refused to recognise the shop stewards and denied them access to their members and refused to consult with them. The union is demandingfair wages, better health and safety conditions and freedom from intimidation and humiliation by the employer.
The strike has led to a shortage in official stamps used for passports, driver’s licenses as well as stamps for alcohol and cigarettes. The government has now directly intervened to break the strike. The government has wielded its executive power by permitting the manufacture of banderols in other companies contrary to the Turkish law.
This has prompted legal action from Basin-IS, who argue that the strike breaking activities are forbidden by the Law on Collective Agreements and Unions (No:6356) and that official banderols must, by law, be printed in Darphane ve Damga Matbaasý. In order to regulate against the dangers of illegal alcohol, companies cannot sell alcoholic products without banderols. The decision to manufacture banderols in alternative facilities is expected to lead to a rise in deaths related to illegal alcohol.
The union has accused their employers of submitting unreasonable and unrealistic proposals and attempting to intimidate unions into returning to work. Despite the threats and intimidation the strike remains solid and after meeting with strikers, union officials and committee members last week, Basin-IS decided to continue with the strike.
Mint workers union Basin-IS said that the Ministry of Finance move represents “an attempt to defeat the strike by using executive power”.
Mint workers are demanding that working conditions, and in particular the lack of an adequate air-conditiong system, are improved and that they are paid a fair salary of around 2000 Turkish Lira.
Andy Snoddy from UNI Global Graphical & Packaging called on the employers to immediately stop their strike breaking activities and to enter into meaningful negotiations. He also urged UNI Global affiliates around the world to give 100% support to Basin-IS.