COP21 opening statement: Solving climate change is our best hope for peace and prosperity

29 November 2015 -- elise.buckle

The 21st UNFCCC Conference of Parties is opening today in the city of light after several days of grief following the Paris attacks.

Around 570,000 people joined climate marches around the world, with more than 2000 events taking place in 175 countries. In Paris, UNI Global Union and ITUC joined the peaceful Human Chain Action for climate action.

For Philip Jennings, the General Secretary of UNI Global Union, “Heads of States and decision-makers are now converging towards Paris. Our message to them is very clear. It is a message of hope, peace and prosperity.”



Trans Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP): time to mobilize public opinion and legislators to stop the race to the bottom

12 November 2015 -- elise.buckle

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement was signed by 12 countries on the 5th of October 2015 after a final 5 day long marathon of negotiations in Atlanta (US) (see UNI Global Union reactive statement on that day). The deal is between 12 countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the US, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore and New Zealand.  If ratified, it would cover 40% of the world’s economy and set the foundation for trade in e-commerce, financial services, property rights, medicine and much more, impacting the lives of millions of workers. 


Paris climate agreement taking shape after a week of heated debate in Bonn

26 October 2015 -- elise.buckle

While Mexico was being hit by the strongest hurricane in history, negotiators finally managed to put the draft climate agreement back on track after a week of heated debate at the UNFCCC session in Bonn.


The draft agreement which was published on Friday October 26th late at night will be the basis for negotiation at the COP21 in Paris. It is being complemented by the workstream document on action before 2020.



UNFCCC talks in Bonn: the climate deal needs to be done with workers not without them

23 October 2015 -- elise.buckle

Bonn, 23 October 2015 – the last week of negotiations before COP21 in Paris has seen a heated debate between rich and poor countries and the weakening of the text for workers.

The language on “a just transition for workers and decent jobs” which was part of the second operational paragraph of the draft Paris agreement may now only figure in the preambule.


Stronger regulation needed across the postal sector

13 February 2020 -- leonie.guguen

UNI Global Union will call for stronger regulation and social and environmental standards across the postal supply chain, at the Universal Postal Union (UPU) high-level forum in Bern today, 13 February.

The UPU, which is the UN specialized agency for the postal sector, is considering whether to open up to more players in the industry, as liberalization and ecommerce have led to a huge increase in private operators in postal services.  


UNI GS in Italy to learn about sectoral bargaining victories, key issues for country’s union movement

7 February 2020 -- Richard Elliott

With sectoral bargaining under attack in much of Europe, Italian finance workers won a recent victory with a new collective agreement covering some 282,000 bank employees in the country.

UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman is in Italy today to meet with UNI affiliates about key issues facing the country’s labour movement generally, and she took this opportunity to congratulate Italian finance unions on their sectoral success.



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