Digitization Trends: Impact on Employment in Finance Industry

Digitization Trends: Impact on Employment in Finance Industry was the theme of the ADB/UNI Apro Finance joint forum held on 3rd May in Crowne Plaza Hotel Manila, over 65 participants joined in for a lively debate and discussions, widening the scope to cope with the impending changes and challenges for employees in the finance industry taking in to account of the continuous digital disruptions.
The forum was the second activity UNI Apro Finance implemented jointly with ADB in conjunction with bank's annual meetings. The forum consisted two knowledge sharing sessions. Mr Rana Hasan – Director of the Development Economics and Indicators Division at the ADB delivered the Keynote speech highlighting the findings of ADB’s report on Technology and Jobs. Morten Clausen Director in charge of Financial Regulation for UNI Europa summarized the UNI Finance survey on the impact of FINTECH and job losses across the regions. Akihiro Mukoura – Vice President, ZENSHINREN Japan and Bobby Tay General Secretary of Singapore Bank Employees’ Union shared about the FINTECH impact in Japan and Singapore respectively sharing session highlighting the trends of digital disruptions in the banking and finance industries.
Dr Manodha Gamage, Managing Director of Intelligent Solutions & Consultancies Sri Lanka, delivered the opening presentation for the second knowledge sharing session on the theme; Impact on Artificial Intelligence [AI] led innovation in FINTECH, which was moderated by Dr Kun Wardana Abyoto – Director for UNI Apro ICTS sector. At this session, speakers proposed alternative actions and options for banks and insurance companies to focus on using AI as a new platform to innovate new customer experiences and business models.
Atsushi Miyai – President UNI Apro Finance inaugurated the forum together with Christopher Ng, Regional Secretary of UNI Apro delivering the opening remarks. UNI Apro Finance Regional Director Jayasri Priyalal coordinated the forum and implemented with the support of National Union of Bank Employees & Insurance and Finance Organization [NUBE IFO].
Refer the Related Files in this link for the Presentations of the joint forum