An Alternative for Europe
Written by ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini
The EU is passing through troubled times. As trade unionists, we believe unity and solidarity is the only way to confront and overcome the challenges. The European Trade Union Confederation fights for a different vision of Europe, anchored in social progress and equal treatment.
Restoring growth and achieving full employment are our prime objectives. To achieve that, EU leaders must abandon austerity policies, boost internal demand through higher wages, and invest in vital areas like research, infrastructure and sustainable energy, public services, healthcare and high-quality education.
We are pressing the European Commission to act on its commitment to end social dumping and to guarantee the same pay for the same job in the same place. Europe needs high quality jobs and safe working conditions, not low-paid, precarious work. So we oppose the so-called Better Regulation agenda, and support you 100% in your campaign to protect hairdressers’ health and safety by implementing the social partners’ agreement in this sector.
Europe must reverse the growing inequalities that are scarring society and depriving young people in particular of a worthwhile future. Poverty and social exclusion have increased since the economic crisis, generating disillusionment with the whole European integration process. The EU needs to stand for social progress and prioritise the interests and welfare of working people and their families. Unfortunately, the British Government’s recent renegotiation creates dangerous exemptions which undermine European solidarity. Nonetheless, we believe continued UK membership is in the interests of workers both in the UK and the rest of Europe.
The ongoing refugee crisis will not be resolved by building fences. Migrant workers can make an important, positive contribution to European society, but they need help to integrate into the community and the workforce. As well as putting pressure on EU leaders to agree a coherent, humanitarian resettlement programme, European trade unions have established some 1000 contact points across Europe, offering practical help and cooperating through our UnionMigrantNet network.
Trade union rights – even the right to strike – are under threat in several EU countries. The ETUC is at the forefront of action to defend these fundamental human rights – we have been working with MEPs who are signing our pledge to support respect for trade union rights in Europe. Social dialogue and collective bargaining systems have also been weakened, together with trade unions’ capacity to defend their members. Unions need to focus urgently on recruiting new members in all sectors. We welcome the European Commission’s pledge to relaunch social dialogue and strengthen Europe’s ‘social pillar’, but fine principles are not enough. Europe needs the tools to ensure they are implemented.
Recent events have demonstrated more powerfully than ever that European countries share common interests and must work together to find humane and positive solutions. The ETUC will continue its fight for a strong, united, alternative Europe.