Social Dialogue: Hairdressing Sector social partners adopt Joint Resolution on “Securing employment in the hairdressing sector”
At its meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 13 October 2014, the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC) on Personal Services adopted the Joint Resolution: “Securing employment in the hairdressing se
Social Dialogue: Postal sector social partners sign declaration on skills and jobs matching
Joint Declaration on Matching Skills and Jobs in the European Postal Sector
Hong Kong unions and the Occupy Protests
The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions continues to support the demands of the Occupy Protestors, who have been protesting for 6 weeks now against the Chinese Government`s proposals for the el
Kostnaderna av våldet runt om i världen
En medarbetare stannar kvar sent på kontoret utan att ha mycket att göra men är rädd för att gå hem. En arbetskamrat verkar trött och förströdd, deprimerad.
The cost of violence to the world
A co-worker stays late in the office without much to do, afraid to go home. A colleague appears tired and distracted, depressed. A friend is recurrently absent from work but cannot explain why.
Social Dialogue: European Sectoral Skills Council addresses skills mismatch in commerce
Protesta ante el fracaso de Walmart de responder a las alegaciones de corrupción en Mexico
Las actividades de Walmart en el punto de mira en la protesta ante la sede de la empresa en Ciudad de México. Los trabajadores de Walmart se movilizan en el mundo para exhortar a los propietarios de Walmart a que paguen salarios decentes y muestren respeto en el trabajo. Walmart nominada para el Public Eye Lifetime Award como “la peor empresa de todos los tiempos”.
Asda worker would need 6.5 million years to earn the wealth of Asda’s American owners
Global Day of Action taking place in major cities today. Walmart’s role in global economic inequality laid bare.
Walmart owners have wealth equal to almost half of South Africa GDP
Global Day of Action taking place in major cities today. Walmart’s role in global economic inequality laid bare.
Indian Best Price worker would need 150 million years to earn the wealth of the supermarket’s owners
Global Day of Action taking place in major cities today. Walmart’s role in global economic inequality laid bare.