Loomis AB signs global labour agreement with UNI Global Union

19th December - UNI Property Services and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union today signed a Global Agreement with Loomis AB, an international cash handling business headquartered in Stockholm. Loomis, largely concentrated in Europe and the US, employs approximately 22,000 workers in 14 countries.
UNI Global Union General Secretary, Philip Jennings said, “We are pleased to announce UNI Global Union’s 50th Global Framework Agreement. UNI Property Services continues to change the rules of the game in the security sector, with G4S, ISS and Securitas and now Loomis signed up. UNI and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union will work with Loomis to ensure that the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining enshrined the global agreement are fully respected. This is a good day for Loomis, the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union and UNI.”
This global agreement references international labour standards outlined in the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Human Rights, the ILO Core Conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. All of these international human rights doctrines afford workers the right to exercise freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining. The agreement details aspects of these international standards that ensure that the right to organise and to collectively bargain are upheld in practice. This Agreement also contains provisions to ensure Loomis’ competitive position in the markets in which it operates and it outlines the requirement for dialogue and dispute resolution.
UNI Property Services, Swedish Transport Workers’ Union and Loomis AB look forward to a constructive international relationship and are pleased to have Loomis officially join the group of “responsible contractors” in the private security industry—companies that commit to honour human and labour rights, to lead on improving industry standards regarding pay, benefits, working conditions and health and safety on the job.
Other multinationals that have signed Global Agreements with UNI in private security include G4S, ISS and Securitas. UNI Property Services has been engaged in efforts to sign a Global Agreement with Prosegur AB, a major private security firm also in manned guarding and cash-in-transit operations, headquartered in Madrid. Prosegur has refused to alter its corporate behaviour globally to accepted international human rights standards. As a result, following extensive unsuccessful efforts to engage in dialogue with the company, UNI filed an OECD complaint against Prosegur on 26 November 2013, based on extensive and well-documented violations of human rights in Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.
Note to editors: Loomis, previously a part of Securitas AB, the second largest private security firm in the world, separated from Securitas in 2007. Securitas AB then split into several independent, specialized security companies, including a cash-in-transit business which is now “Loomis”.