UNICREDIT EWC´s hold a meeting with UNICREDIT CEO, reinforcing the needs of GFA.

The Select Committee welcomes the CEO and Corporate Managers' willingness to open up a discussion on the Joint Declaration on Responsible Sales (UNI Finance campaign “Sales vs. Advice) in a short time. Nevertheless the Corporate management was reminded a Global Framework Agreement, jointly signed with UNI Global, could have to guarantee minimum rights, mainly with respect to information dissemination and consultation in all countries.
EWC members set themselves the following goals:
Closely monitoring system to evaluate the changing banking model in Europe including with the support of experts and other stakeholders. If necessary. EWC will strive to make sure technology and the ever more stringent regulatory developments do not end up distorting the fundamental role banks have had in supporting the real economy, local communities, enterprises, and individuals;
To Pursue the continuous dialogue with management on Unicredit service model development, focusing on the repercussions organizational changes have on workers;
To maintain the guarantees for a job within the Group to all workers who, even indirectly, contribute to manage and to develop a suitable service model, training them to cope with the inevitable professional upskilling.
The determination with which corporate objectives are being pursued, in spite of the challenging environment, calls for the urgent drafting of a Joint Declaration on Responsible Sales. EWC appreciated the Group willingness to further pursue this issue. EWC reasserts its role in managing cross-border issues in a sustainable way. EWC aims at strengthening Social Dialogue both at European and national levels, providing continuous support to workers' representatives, making sure that past Joint Declarations and the good employee relations established in some countries are extended to all the countries the Group operates.