UNI Property Services Sector on front foot

UNI Global Union's Property Services Sector affiliates came together at UNI head office in Switzerland recently.
In his address, UNI Global Union General Secretary, Phillip Jennings, reminded everyone what a struggle was ahead but said, “This sector has always been on the front foot”. This was a tribute to the hard work that has resulted in union growth in both the Cleaning and Security sectors. Successes in India and Namibia were given as examples of what could be achieved when unions and UNI work together.
The Bangladesh Rana Plaza factory was a reminder that, today, there still are employers who do not respect Human Rights or basic Trade Union Rights. The meeting congratulated UNI affiliates on the work done on the Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accord which will provide some protection.
The topics covered ranged from a full report on the disgraceful behaviour of Prosegur in Paraguay, Brasil and Colombia, to solidarity messages sent to striking Unite members employed as cleaners at Manchester airport. Reports on the progress in union growth after the signing of a new Global Agreement at the last delegates’ meeting were given, this time with Securitas the giant Swedish company. Sessions included: Industry Trends, the International Day of Justice for Cleaners campaigns (see attached reports) and the ongoing campaigns in India and Namibia. The two campaigns were then presented with a special award for Organizing Achievements.
In addition to the above, TV links were made with trade unions in Ireland (SIPTU) and the USA (Teamsters) for their reports on organizing success. The meeting also had presentations from United Voice (Australia) and from Hayet Trabelsi of the Tunisian union (FGPS) on the Arab Spring and trade union activists.
The two day conference which took place on 23, 24 May was described by Tom Belanoff, President of the UNI Property Services sector, as another big step forward for the unions.