In the global digital economy creativity is viewed as a driver for economic growth. At the same time the value of creativity and the works and services media and entertainment workers produce are not recognised. The sustainability of the creative sectors is undermined by cuts in cultural budgets and calling into question of the fundament of our industry, intellectual property rights. The promotion of cultural diversity objectives has known a boost with the adoption of the UN Convention. Media pluralism has been enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, we witness downsizing of public cultural institutions and film funding schemes. Threats to freedom of expression and media pluralism occur across regions including in developed countries.
More than ever a career in the creative industry is a dream for young people. They ignore that dignity of creators and workers, in particular the growing number of freelance workers, is not respected. Their fundamental rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining is called into question by public authorities and challenged by employers. In precarious employment situations, workers face many times harsh conditions of employment and unfair remuneration.
The biggest challenge we face is the undermining of trade union rights and of social dialogue. The rules of the game are set to take away power and wealth from creators and workers by holding down their rights.
Our common endeavour is to bring about change in the media, entertainment and arts. Our call for action is value creativity, promote diversity and respect dignity. The Breaking Through Project lays down our strategy, goals and methods to bring about this change.
UNI MEI affiliates will gather in Mexico City for their General Assembly from 28 November until 1 December to adopt the policies and agree and on the actions UNI MEI will give priority to in the coming four years.
Affiliates can access information and all documents by clicking on this link