UNI Leadership Summit on the Future World of Work: the experts give their verdict

UNI's Leadership Summit on the Future World of Work, created a huge amount of interest amongst affiliates.
See below some of the world experts on robotics, AI and the wider issues relating to the new world of work discussing the challenges and opportunities facing us.
They all agreed that its vital for the labour movement, including UNI to give a lead and UNI and its affiliates are doing just that on the road to the Liverpool World Congress in 2018.
Maja Pantic is a Professor of Affective and Behavioral Computing and leader of the i·BUG group, working on machine analysis of human non-verbal behaviour and its applications to human-computer, human-robot, and computer-mediated human-human interaction. Maja has published over 250 papers in the areas of machine analysis of facial expressions, machine analysis of human body gestures, audiovisual analysis of emotions and social signals, and human-centered machine interfaces. http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/maja/home/
Vanessa Evers is Professor at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. She is Chair of the Human Media Interaction group consisting of 40 scientists from various disciplinary backgrounds working at the intersection of intelligent systems and people. She is also the director of the University of Twente's DesignLab for Interdisciplinary research partnerships. Vanessa's research concerns human collaboration with intelligent and autonomous systems such as robots. She also investigates acceptance of AI technology and cross-cultural aspects of Human Computer Interaction. An acclaimed author with more than 100 peer publications, she is an advisor of the Dutch Government on AI and robotics in relation to safety, transportation, education, tourism, care and labour. http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/Member/vanessa_evers
Saadia Zahidi is a Member of the Executive Committee and Head of Education, Gender and Work at the World Economic Forum. Under her leadership, the Forum’s teams in these areas produce new insights, gather best practices, help set change strategies for businesses and governments and mobilize leaders to work together to drive progress. Saadia founded and co-authors the Forum's Global Gender Gap Report, Human Capital Report, Future of Jobs Report and several other publications. She was selected as one of BBC's 100 Women in 2013 and 2014 and won the inaugural FT/Mckinsey Bracken Bower Prize for prospective authors under 35. She is a member of the United Nations Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Her book, Forty Million Rising, on womenomics in the Muslim world, will be released in 2017. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/saadia-zahidi
Mark Graham is the Professor of Internet Geography at the OII, a Research Fellow at the Alan Turning Institute, a Research Fellow at Green Templeton College, an Associate in the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, and a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Media and Communications in the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published articles in major geography, communications, and urban studies journals, and his work has been covered by the Economist, the BBC, the Washington Post, CNN, the Guardian, and many other newspapers and magazines. He is an editorial board member of Information, Communication, and Society, Geo:Geography, Environment and Planning A, and Big Data & Society. He is also a member of DFID’s Digital Advisory Panel and the ESRC’s Peer Review College. https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/mark-graham/
Guy Standing is Research Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He is a founder member and honorary co-president of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), an international non-governmental organisation that promotes basic income, whose members include economists, philosophers and other social scientists from over 50 countries. Guy’s most recent books are Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India, with Sarath Davala, Renana Jhabvala and Soumya Kapoor Mehta, 2015, A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens 2014 and The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class 2011. Professor Standing was coordinating editor and main writer of the ILO’s Economic Security for a Better World, a global report issued in 2004. http://www.guystanding.com/research/current-projects