UNI Global Union joined the Swiss day of action for equality with a demonstration and leafleting in Nyon, the site of UNI’s head office. UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings, Deputy General Secretary Christy Hoffman, Head of Equal Opportunities Veronica Fernandez Mendez and the other members of UNI staff joined Swiss union UNIA in the day’s activities.
On June 14, 1991, 500,000 women went on strike to demand the respect and enforcement of the equality act, which had been passed and added to the Swiss Constitution on June 14, 1981.
« Art. 8.3 L’homme et la femme sont égaux en droit. La loi pourvoit à l’égalité de droit et de fait, en particulier dans les domaines de la famille, de la formation et du travail. L’homme et la femme ont droit à un salaire égal pour un travail de valeur égale. »
"Art. 8.3 Men and women have equals rights. The law provides equality, legally and de facto, particularly concerning family, education and work. Men and women are entitled to equal pay for equal work."
There is still a long way to go to reach real equality so UNI joined UNIA in the demonstrations on the June 14th, 2011 to demand, once again, real equality and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 1991 Women's strike.
Calling for equal pay for men and women, better sharing of paid and unpaid work between men and women, more child care centres and support to committed fathers by granting them paternity and parental leave, a range of trade unions and other organisations came together across Switzerland to take action.
In Nyon, UNI and UNIA held a demonstration in the middle of town and then marched through the town handing out chocolate bars to women workers that were a “sweet reminder” about the sour news of pay inequality for women, who make 19.8 percent less than men.
You can find more information here.
You can find photos of the events in Nyon here.