On July 30, UNI Gaming opened its second regional conference in Americas signing the Agreement with the Mexican Commission of Human Rights.
Mexican Human Rights Commission is the main government agency responsible for promoting and protecting human rights in Mexico and it also has a consultative power to advise the law-makers. SINTOLED, UNI's affiliate in Mexico, has been actively involved in working together with the community and government organisations aiming for a proper national legislation regulating gambling in the country.
In the Agreement, both parties agree to safeguard and promote human and union rights. Also, the agreement foresees joint training and research activities as well as setting a working group which will be responsible for developing a more concrete plan of action. Signing such agreement has clearly demonstrated that trade unions could be important allies in regulating the gaming industry.
After the signing ceremony, Adriana Rosenzvaig, UNI Americas Regional Secretary, said the agreement had a great significance for the region and congratulated UNI Gaming, led by Daniel Amoroso globally and Mario Madrigal in Americas. She said: "This agreement recognises union rights as human rights. It lays grounds to the development of the social dialogue, training of the gaming sector workers and respect of union rights. Mexico is a unique country where we always had mutual support and trust in the HR Commission. The Agreement honours the sector and all gaming workers in the country." She also stressed the continuous development and traing was a key to the succesful functioning of the sector.
UNI Gaming believes the sector is becoming stronger and this agreement is a good example for other regions and continents.
Media about the meeting (in Spanish):
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