UNI Europa Commerce congratulates Carrefour EWC on its 20 years anniversary
On 5th October 2016, in the beautiful city of Rome, UNI Europa Commerce Director Laila Castaldo addressed audience of the celebration event of 20 years of activity of the Carrefour CICE (European Committee for information and consultation).
The CICE, a transnational body composed of trade union representatives from six European countries (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland and Romania), was established in 1996 at the time when the first European Works Council Directive entered into force. The agreement was revised taking into account the recast of the Directive in 2011. The CICE has been enriched over time with elements that have improved the quality of information and exchange with workers’ representatives. As foreseen in the new directive, new provisions on training were introduced and the role of the Steering Committee has been strengthened. The presentation of social indicators provides essential elements to the debate within the CICE. Moreover, the agreement on diversity and equality of opportunity distinguished itself as prime achievement for the group.
Through the joint efforts of highly committed and motivated delegates and a conscious corporate responsibility towards trade unions and workers, the CICE celebrated its 20 anniversary, at the same time when the EU directive celebrates 20 years since its entry into force. Laila Castaldo – Director at UNI Europa Commerce – stressed again the importance of European Works Council, a transnational body, which now covers more than 1,000 companies in Europe and plays an essential role in facilitating the involvement of workers in the global strategies of multinationals.
CICE representatives applauded at the achievements of these 20 years that crossed the border of Europe from Madrid to Bucharest, from Paris to Warsaw and finally in Rome. Of course, there is still room for improvements… the current challenges for the sector such as extended opening hours, e-commerce, the business expansion through franchises coupled with the general economic outset marked by the high level of unemployment, particularly in the Southern countries will certainly give more impetus to in depth debate in the CICE.
UNI Europa Commerce has a long tradition of dialogue with Carrefour that dates back to the era of Euro Fiett. Carrefour can be considered a leader in labour relationships, demonstrating that being a profitable business is not in contradiction with the presence of trade unions, but rather that promoting good working relationships with unions is an asset for a company. A company like Carrefour made a public approach towards a strong social responsibility – unlike other companies that did it only unilaterally. The signature of the revised global agreement with UNI Global Union last year is another example of such commitment and engagement in favour of strong labour standards and social dialogue.