The 3rd UNI Africa regional conference took place in Dakar, Senegal under the theme "getting connected on workers' rights and jobs".
Delegates from 11 African countries were present at the meeting to discuss the increasing problems faced by unions when organising in multinationals. The President of UNI Telecom Bo Larsen, President of UNI Africa Bones Skulu, UNI Telecom Head of Department of Marcus Courtney, and UNI Africa Regional Secretary Zakari Koudougou were present at the meeting.
The sessions were presided over by the sector's outgoing President Gabou Gueye. Participants thanked Gabou for his selfless leadership during his presidency, attending to a number of issues affecting members across Africa, and the creation of a strong France Telecom - Orange Union Alliance which has delivered real value to members.
An election was held to form a new steering group. UNI Telecom welcomes the appointment of Benson Okwaro (COWU - Kenya) as the new President of UNI Telecom Africa, and two Vice Presidents, Pierre-Louis Mouangue (SYNACOM -Cameroon), and Vice President Korotoumou Kone Coulilbaly (SYNAPOATEL - Mali).
Throughout the conference, challenges pertaining to the telecom sector in Africa were addressed. Four multinationals (France Telecom, MTN, Vodacom and Maroc Telecom) were at the center of debates. Action plans have been worked out through working groups by affiliates for the next 2 years to organise these companies.
A solidarity action was taken to support our Senegalese affiliates on the last day of the conference. Indeed, all participants to the conference joined the protest march. The march was organised by SONATEL workers against "GLOBAL VOICE", a company that is threatening the telecom sector's stability in the region. A motion of support was voted and signed by a representative of each country present at the conference. The signed document can be found on the affiliates only section of the conference web page.