Teranga! 4th UNI Africa Regional Conference opens in Dakar

The 4th UNI Africa Regional Conference received the official seal of approval with the Senegalese Minister for Labour, Mansour Sy, representing the Prime Minister of the Republic of Senegal opening the Conference.
Minister Sy said, “Welcome, Teranga! – we share the same values as the unions here in Senegal – human capital, social dialogue is the basis for building strong and dynamic consensus. In a global world full of radicalism and separatism, Senegal has gone down another path, and Africa to must change because the new world of work demands it. We must reflect and build a New Africa.
A packed auditorium of more than 500 delegates at the King Fahd Conference Centre in Dakar, were treated to some traditional Senegalese Music from the orchestra of National Theatre Daniel Sorano.
After the entertainment a number of leading unionists addressed the participants on the theme of the conference, “Forward for a New Africa, Organise, Mobilise and Innovate.
Ibrahima Sarr, the General Secretary of the SNTPT Post and President of the UNI Africa Senegalese Liaison Council said, “Senegal is example of unions at work. Senegal is a democracy, that values freedom of expression with a strong union movement built on struggle. We are proud that unions are social partners for both private and public business.
This is a time of change and new challenges. Africa is changing and developing and unions must use the power of these growing economies to organise, mobilise and innovate for the benefit of the people.”
Ndèye Founé Niang, the General Secretary of the SNTPT Telecom and Vice President of UNI Africa said, “This mass presence shows your commitment to our cause and the real hope we can move towards a new Africa. Since the last regional conference in Nairobi progress has been made but challenges around the Future World of Work and the digitalization of production are multiplying.
We must address the needs of the young – the quality of the debate at both the Youth and the Women’s meeting shows they are ready.”