Philip Jennings delivered the key note speech at the All India State Bank of India Staff Federation’s (AISBISF) General Body meeting held on 23-24 April 2016, in Hyderabad in India.Over 6000 delegates representing members of State Bank of India staff federation across India participated at the two days meeting which was officiated by the Honourable Sri Bandaru Dattatreya Minister of State for Labour & Employment in India.
Philip in his speech cautioned, that Government of India is cleaning up the balance sheets of the state owned banks to make them attractive for the private investors. Privatisation of the strong, healthy state owned banks to meet the additional capital requirements under new regulatory guidelines cannot be allowed; the plurality in the financial systems should not be lost and the trade unions should take the lead to protect the state owned banks such as State Bank of India, to broaden financial inclusion, to meet development needs in emerging economies such as India, stressed the General Secretary of UNI Global Union with whom AISBISF is affiliated to.
UNI General Secretary congratulated the union for having 95% union density in the bank, which he said is an exemplary achievement of dedicated past and present leadership of the union. He encouraged the young and women members to take up responsibilities in leading the trade unions, as the future of the trade union movement depends on their commitment to serve the members, fight for justice and taking banking and finance industry working to uplift the lives of marginalized groups in the society. Philip Jennings proposed that SBI to consider entering in to a Global Framework Agreement and promote the banks social oriented business model across the globe.
On behalf of UNI and UNI Apro, Philip presented a plaque to Bro M V Murali, General Secretary of the AISBISF, acknowledging and admiring his outstanding contributions to the AISBISF and United Forum of Bank Unions in India, on the eve of his retirement.
Bro Sanjeev Kumar Bandlish was elected as the new General Secretary of AISBISF together with Bro V V S R Sarma as the President of the Federation at the General Body meeting.