At the national convention of the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU,UFCW), held in Orlando, Florida, Stuart Appelbaum (President) and his leadership team were unanimously re-elected.
Appelbaum’s re-election comes at a time when the RWDSU has scored a number of major organizing victories for low-wage workers in retail and other industries. In New York, he has helped undocumented car wash workers win strong contracts and he has negotiated contacts for workers at Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and other stores that have helped raised job standards in the retail industry nationally. And in the South, he has worked closely with RWDSU members and leaders to win strong new contracts for immigrant workers in poultry and food processing.
“We will continue to pursue political action, build coalitions, and run campaigns that advance a progressive agenda for working people, and empower the most vulnerable people in low-wage industries to stand up and fight back. We will partner with the progressive movement, community organizations, and immigrant rights groups around the country to bring the labor movement fully into the 21st century,” Appelbaum said to convention delegates.
“Each and every one of you is my sister and brother in the struggle to build a better world for working people, and and I am humbled by your support. We are links in a chain. This union was formed 77 years ago. And I am convinced that we will be leaving Orlando stronger than when we arrived. The RWDSU is building strength - because of you,” Appelbaum said.
Pictured right to left: Gemma De Leon (Executive VP), Jack Wurm (Secretary-Treasurer), Stuart Appelbaum (President), Joseph Dorismon (Recorder)