Prosperity, Self-Sufficiency Living in Harmony with Nature - SATOYAMA Capitalism
UNI Apro Finance President Masakazu Tahara inaugurated a symposium for Japanese Finance Sector Unions in Tokyo, Japan on 3rd August 2015. Masatoshi Nakamura, President of Japan Broadcasting Labour Union (NHK Workers Union) was invited to share the experiences of NHK’s documentary on the sustainability of Satoyama culture at the symposium.
Nakamura highlighted the value systems, in the generation old community culture in Satoyama, where people lived in harmony without harming the nature, especially to meet their livelyhood energy needs for living and farming. Moreover the community shared each other’s produce for self-sufficiency. As such community’s’ prosperity was not measured in monitory terms, and therefore no one in the community fell in to debt.
Marcio Monzane Head of Dept. UNI Finance asserted that, UNI promotes plurality in the finance industry and stressed the need for banks of different business models serving for multiple stake holders for growth in real economy. He also explained the role UNI Finance, playing at Global level to introduce effective regulations to stabilize the financial markets; taking special interest to protect social dimensions in planned resolutions programs proposed while restructuring the Banks when they run in to difficulties.
Mis-match between savings and investments, tax revenue to meet public expenditure was highlighted as the financial deficit; in the savings drying, consumption driven and debt burdened current strolled, economic systems by Jayasri Priyalal Regional Director for UNI Apro Finance at the symposium. He emphasized the need for trade unions in banking industry in Japan to “Think Locally and Act Globally” to safe guard the exisiting finanacial system in in Japan with a view to enforce appropriate regulations to maintain stability and efficiency to stimulate growth.
Finance sector affiliates from UNI Liaison Council Japan and trade union leaders from Japanese Regional banks and Agricultural Cooperative banks participated at the symposium. Japanese Cooperative Forestry and Agricultural Bank (NOH DAN ROH) General Secretary Bro Ogawa made a presentation introducung the Agricultural Cooperative banks financial empowerment schemes extended to rural farmers in Japan.