UNI has now submitted an addendum to the complaint to the OECD citing violations of Labour Laws by Prosegur in South America. The original complaint submitted last November detailed violations in Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.
The addendum concerns the latest and subsequent attempt by Prosegur to break trade unions in Colombia. They have an existing contract for workers known as a `pacto colectivo`which is a device used to reward workers for refusing to join a union. Workers receive a payment for signing a non union contract and if they join a union they have to return the payment. Prosegur introduced a pacto colectivo in 2010, enticing workers with a payment of approximately 2,200 US dollars not to join. It is illegal to use them in Colombia and in fact the Colombian Supreme Court has already ruled on this case, declaring that Prosegur must make the same payment to all workers.
But now the company have incredibly issued a new pacto colectivo to the workforce as the old one expires. This unbelievable act is offering workers 998 US dollars if they sign up to the new pacto - the old pacto expires on the 28th February. Not only is this act in breach of Colombian law but it represents a potential breach of the Colombia - US Free Trade Agreement which has been incorporated in Colombian Penal Code. This makes it even more significant than the 2010 actions.
Allied with the 2010 violations was the distribution of violent and threatening anti trade union leaflets entitled `El Zorro,` designed to inimidate the leaders and activist of the union SINTRAVALORES, reminding them of what risks there were in being a trade union activist in Colombia.
UNI and SINTRAVALORES will continue to campaign against these atrocious actions.