No borders, no limits. All together!

Once again, we make a call to summon men and women of the labour world to honour and strengthen the revindicating struggle initiated by the Chicago martyrs.
This May Day is not so different from others; the unfair socio-economic circumstances and the increase in abuses keep the workers subject to degrading conditions.
The times we are living in, times of globalisation, competitivity, productivity, of opening of frontiers, technological interventions, have completely modified the relation between capital and work, the relationship company-employees and the concept of production, but the act of working or undertaking a project have not been modified.
The art of working ratifies, today more than ever, that the human being, either men or women, continue to be the fundamental piece in the whole process of development. That is why we are and we will always be concerned about the failure of the economic model and about the fact that this circumstance endangers the people’s well-being.
We share the opinion that modern times force us to face special challenges in the sense of safeguarding work as a fundamental good, but not in any way, that is why UNI Americas supports and defends the concept of decent work, because we consider it ethical, fair and basic.
That is also why, on this May Day we ratify that our first commitment is with employment and dignified salaries. UNI Americas insists on the fact that the victory in the fight for decent employments will not be achieved unless collective bargaining is not reinforced and globalised.
We cannot just make a salutation. UNI Americas denounces the permanent harassment of employers and governments of the region, who shall not stop in their determination to depreciate and flexibilise labour relations so as to favour translational and national capitals. For that reason we invite you to demand respect for human and union rights for working men and women with no borders, no limits. All together!
UNI Americas makes a call to its affiliates of North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean to join together to remember and never forget why we celebrate May Day, why it is necessary to strengthen our historical responsibility to fight every day for the right to achieve decent work, in freedom, without any form of discrimination and our labour freedom on full effect, like the right to organize unions, negotiate collective agreements with all the private or public employers, no matter whether they are national or international companies.
A fraternal embrace to all working men and women of America and the whole world.